Revenge is Empty

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Guys! Check out this adorable fanart by @elllieelephant32 !! Kinta looks so cute 😍😍

Now then, are ya'll ready to finally see the result of Kinta and Arthur's fight? 😏


Kinta furrowed her brow just as chill ran down her spine, an odd sensation washed over her. It wasn't his bloodlust, but an eerily cold sensation washed over her skin- like something was trying to suck the warmth from her body. She looked down at her hands, she couldn't see any difference, was this one of Arthur's abilities? What was he trying to do?

A soft, familiar sounding groan caught her attention as she looked up, her eyes going wide as she watched Illumi and Hisoka slowly fold to their knees, both face's pale and contorted with pain as they doubled over in the grass.

"H-hisoka?!" Kinta called to him, stepping forwards but stopping short when Arthur blocked her path.

"How odd, it doesn't seem to work on you." He cocked his head, but his cruel smile never left his face.

"What the hell are you doing to them?!" Kinta snarled, the cold sensation on her skin made her hair stand on end.

"Why, I'm stealing their life force of course. How else would I be strong enough to kill you? Your ability IS rather troublesome." He sighed as he removed his hand from over his stomach.

Kinta's eyes went wide, the deep gash she'd given him was gone, replaced by a gnarly looking pink scar. 

"What-" Her voice was barely a whisper as she took a step back away from the man. Was it her imagination, or was something forming itself around her father?

"What?" Arthur laughed. "You think I just had enough life energy to spare when resurrecting people? The world is all about balance dear daughter, a give and a take. Yin and yang if you will- In order to give life, I must take some in return. With a little help of course."

Kinta almost screamed at the horrifying creature that seemed to have materialized around Arthur. An awful looking, maggot-like animal was wrapped around his shoulders and waist. It's greyish skin slowly turned pink as it seemed to absorb Hisoka and Illumi's aura into itself.  The creature had no eyes, but it wore an awful grin across its face, it's teeth as long and sharp as daggers.

"What- what the hell is that?!" Kinta cried as she tried to keep herself from heaving the contents of her stomach. Nausea washed over her at the sight of the creature, combined with her anxiety for Hisoka had her fighting to keep her lunch down.

"Hmm-" Arthur sighed as he reached up and patted the ugly thing's head. "The natives called it Yara Grub- loseley translating to "Vampire Worm". It's a parasite that feeds off of the host's life energy, but the natives found a way to use it to make themselves stronger. I can feed the Grub other people's aura, he'll only eat as much as he needs to survive and then go dormant again, leaving a reserve of energy for me to use. However, if I don't feed him then the parasite will feed off my own life energy and will eventually kill me."

"N-Natives?" Kinta felt like she was going to be sick, what the hell was she supposed to do? She'd never seen something like this before, she desperately racked her brain for a way to

counter it. And she needed to act quickly, Hisoka and Illumi were looking sicker by the minute. Deep bags had appeared under the magician's eyes, he panted as he watched helplessly. The pain, confusion and fear in his eyes made Kinta want to scream. 

Arthur slowly cocked his head, his smile grew more manic as he stared at her, his aura gradually growing as he syphoned it away from her friends. "Natives to the Dark Continent."

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