Bisky Bootcamp

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"Is that all you've got?! Come on! Faster!" Bisky barked as Kinta desperately tried to land a hit on her.
Bisky wasn't even attacking, she'd simply told Kinta to try and land a solid hit on the girl. She hadn't thought it'd be too hard, but the lady was much faster than she'd anticipated. Bisky dodged yet another punch from Kinta, flipping over the top of her as she waited for her to attack again. Bisky didn't even uncross her arms from her chest, she rolled her eye's bordley as Kinta tried to land attack after attack.
"You're fast, but not fast enough! Do you think you'll ever defeat Hisoka being this slow?" Bisky sighed as she dodged yet another punch to her face by simply stepping to the side at the last moment.
"I've landed more attacks on Hisoka than I have on you!" Kinta huffed frustratedly, pausing for a minute to put her hands on her knees and panting heavily.
"That's probably because he was holding back." Bisky sighed.
"And how would you know that?" Kinta huffed as she brushed the hair sticking to her face away and stood up again.
"Confidence is an important part of your development. He's probably holding back to let you build some confidence, maybe even lure you into a false sense of security. He'll let you think you stand a chance against him, just so he can turn the tables on you." Bisky bent and brushed a little dirt off the end of her pink skirt. "Also, he's a masochist. He probably gets off on you hitting him and gauging your strength that way."
Kinta blinked, she was right, that all sounded like something Hisoka would do. So all this time she'd thought she was finally becoming on-par with the magician, and he was really just holding back? Fuck. She'd really gotten too confident if that was the case.
"That bastard." Kinta grumbled as she dropped back to her fighting stance. "Lets go again!"
Bisky smiled at her crookedly. "I like your spirit. Lets go."
Kinta lunged, aiming for a punch to her stomach, Bisky spun out of the way at the last moment but Kinta expected that. She quickly spun and attempted to swipe her legs out from under her, but Bisky simply flipped backwards as Kinta pursued her. They went on like this for hours, Kinta never managed to land a single hit on Bisky and that really irritated her.
"That's enough for today." Bisky sighed as she waved Kinta off.
Kinta flopped back on the ground, resting her elbows over her knees as she panted heavily, training with Bisky was proving to be much harder than she originally thought. "Man, I've still got a lot to learn." She groaned as she wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand.
"Why don't you turn in for the night? We'll meet here again tomorrow." Bisky chimed cheerfully. "You are getting better, I'm confident you'll be able to land a hit tomorrow."
Kinta sighed as she rocked her head back to look at the sky, Bisky and her had been training in the industrial part of the city. Most of their time had been spent on top of an old warehouse, the sun was just starting to turn with hues of orange as the sun began to set. The night was still so young, why should she turn in now?
"Wanna go grab a bite to eat?" Kinta looked back at Bisky, smiling as she cocked her head at the blonde girl.
Honestly, Kinta didn't want to be alone just yet. Even throughout the rigorous training, Hisoka had been at the back of mind all day. She really didn't want to be left alone with her thoughts just yet.
Bisky looked back at Kinta for a long moment, putting her hands on her hips as she seemed to study the girl in front of her. "Okay, sure." She finally sighed. "There is a place not far from here, they make the best Ramen!" She turned and motioned Kinta to follow as she simply hopped off the side of the three story building.
Kinta didn't hesitate to follow her, hopping off the side of the building and rolling on the landing to soften the blow.
"You've got good instincts Kinta." Bisky spoke as they walked down the street towards the more busy part of town. "You're quick and fairly strong. But your technique is still sloppy, you rely on your speed and flexibility too much."
"So then what exactly should I be focusing on?" Kinta sighed as she folded her arms behind her head as they walked.
"Defense." Bisky pointed towards the sky as she spoke, cocking an eyebrow at Kinta.
"2." Kinta rolled her eyes as Bisky's little game, she made numbers at the tips of her fingers with her aura to test her reflexes with Kinta's gyo. She'd seen the lady do the same thing with Gon and Killua in Greed Island.
"Very good." Bisky folded her hands behind her back. "You need to work on being able to stay in one place to fight. You won't always be able to bounce around all over the place like the damn energizer bunny. What if you get hurt? What if you end up in a confined space? Or if you're up against an opponent who's faster than you?"
"You've got a point." Kinta pursed her lips, thinking about her fight with her brothers. If her defense had been better then, the fight probably would have ended better and wouldn't have needed Hisoka to patch her up before she bled out.
She and Bisky arrived at the restaurant, a tall girl with waist-length yellow hair and dark skin seated them on the far side of the room. Kinta kept her eyes trained on the floor as they walked behind the waitress, it'd been a long time since she'd been with another girl and she found herself missing it. It doesn't help that the girl had a beautiful hourglass figure and piercing golden-brown eyes that almost reminded her of a certain magician.
"What would you guys like to eat tonight?" The girl chimed as Bisky and Kinta took their seats.
'You.' Kinta's mused in her head as she leaned back against the chair. "I've never had Ramen before, surprise me." She smiled at the girl.
"You've never had Ramen before?!" Both the waitress and Bisky exclaimed in unison.
Kinta shrugged, Bisky blinked at her before turning and ordering her food. The waitress walked away, after promising to bring Kinta their best dish.
"How have you never had Ramen before?" Bisky cocked her head before she took a sip from the glass of water the waitress had left behind.
"My father never let us eat noodles, he said it was too plain of a meal." Kinta shrugged as she did the same.
Bisky furrowed her brow. "Your father huh-"
Kinta quickly waved her off, she didn't want to talk about her father with Bisky. Or at all preferably. "It's fine, I like trying new things."
Bisky pursed her lips before speaking again. "So- you're still with Hisoka huh?" She motioned to the collar Kinta still wore on her neck.
Kinta smiled softly as she reached up and touched the golden lock on the collar. "Yeah- more or less."
Bisky cocked an eyebrow at her. "More or less? You two seemed pretty close on Greed Island."
"Well-" Kinta blushed slightly and rubbed the back of her head. "It's not like we're really together-"
"Could have fooled me." Bisky interrupted her. "Hisoka seemed quite fond of you."
Kinta tried to ignore the ache in her chest at Biskys words, he'd fooled her too. "We're not actually together, just- in a contract of sorts."
Bisky cocked her head at Kinta. "Explain."
"Why do you care?" Kinta rolled her eyes as she took another drink of water.
"Because I have a feeling you're going to need help getting out of that contract." She sighed. "Hisoka's aura is oozing off of that thing, you won't be able to remove it without a nen exorcist, and I have a hard time believing that he'll let you go."
"The contract ends when one of us dies." Kinta sighed as she set the glass back down, watching the condensation bead on the outside and drip onto the table. "When we eventually fight, if he dies this collar comes off. If I die- well, it's not like this matters." She laughed darkly.
"Do you really want to fight him?"
"Why wouldn't I?" Kinta smiled determinedly as the waitress approached their table.
"Here you go!" The waitress chimed happily as she set the bowl of food down in front of Kinta. "The chef was so excited about this being your first Ramen meal, that it's on the house! Thank you for choosing our humble little restaurant." The girl bowed to Kinta before turning on her heel and walking away.
"Thank you!" Kinta called after her, watching the waitress's hips sway as she walked away, a sharp pain on the top of her head snapped her attention back to Bisky.
"Why did you hit me?!" Kinta whined as she rubbed the top of her head.
"Stop staring at her! I thought you liked boys?!"
"I like both!" Kinta pouted as she rubbed the lump forming on the top of her head, Bisky was stronger than she'd thought. "Why should I limit myself to one type of pleasure?" She wagged her eyebrows at the girl sitting across the table from her.
A slight blush formed on Biskys cheeks as she looked down at her food. "I can't say I've been as adventurous as you. I'd have thought Hisoka was all one person could handle."
"Oh yeah-" Kinta smirked at her food, it looked delicious and smelled amazing. "The magician is quite a- mouthful."
Bisky sputtered before bursting out in a loud laugh. "Dammit don't say something like that while I'm trying to eat!" She laughed loudly. "Besides, I already know. I saw him and all his glory in Greed Island."
Both of the girls giggled before diving into their food.
Kinta took a large bite of her food, struggling to eat the noodles without making a mess. She blinked a couple times as she chewed her food, her eyes going wide at the explosion of flavors in her mouth.
"How the hell-" She swallowed her food with a loud gulp. "How the hell did that asshole think noodles were too plain?! This is amazing!"
Bisky watched her with a seemingly sad look in her eyes as Kinta dove into her food, the other girl was much more graceful with her food than Kinta was. She took dainty little bites and hardly made any mess, Kinta on the other hand had a hard time figuring out how to eat the noodles without flinging sauce all over the place. Bisky leaned forwards and rested her chin on the palm on her hand, cocking her head at Kinta as she ate.
"Don't-" Kinta swallowed her food. "Look at me like that."
Bisky blinked. "Like what?"
"I can see the pity in your eyes." Kinta huffed as she pushed her empty bowl away. "I don't want your damn pity. I just need to get stronger."
"Why are you so obsessed with getting stronger?" Bisky cocked her head.
"Well, I kinda have to be strong if I'm going to defeat Hisoka arn't I?" Kinta shrugged her question off.
"Is that really the only reason?" She shook her head. "I have a feeling your pursuit for strength started long before you met Hisoka, otherwise he wouldn't have been drawn to you in the first place."
"Why do you care?"
"Why do you keep asking that?" Bisky shot back. "Is it really that strange to you that somebody might care about your goals? Besides, as your teacher for the time being, it's understandable that I'd want to know what you intend to use this strength for. I'd hope you don't intend on using your power purley for evil deeds."
Kinta blinked, the girl had a point. She wondered what Bisky considered to be evil deeds, she didn't seem perturbed by Hisoka on greed island despite knowing exactly what he was.
"I-" She paused and pursed her lips, debating how much she should tell Bisky. If the other girl thought her intentions were bad, which they kind of were, she may refuse to keep training her. "Protection and revenge." Kinta finally sighed. "There's somebody after me, I need to get strong enough to not only protect myself, but to take my revenge on that person as well."
"And who would that person be?"
"I don't think that's important." Kinta huffed.
Bisky looked at her for a long moment, her pink eyes raking over her. Was that pity or suspicion in her eyes? Kinta couldn't quite tell, either way she didn't like it. "They hurt you, didn't they?"
"Would I be out for revenge if they didn't?" She rolled her eyes.
Bisky sat back in her chair and gave her a crooked smile. "Right then, you should get some rest. Because we'll be starting bright and early tomorrow morning."
"Alright." Kinta sighed as she started to push away from the table, glad to be escaping the conversation. "I'm going to land a hit on you tomorrow!" She pointed her finger at the girl playfully.
Bisky crossed her arms over her chest as she looked up at Kinta from her chair. "Bring it."
Kinta grinned from ear to ear before walking away from the table, stopping by the register to pay for Bisky's food. The girl was training her after all, and Kinta had been the one to suggest they go out to eat, the least she could do is pay for her dinner.
She stepped out of the restaurant and into the cool evening breeze, there was an Inn not far from here, she made her way towards it slowly. Kinta hadn't even had time to check into a hotel when she'd left the airship, Bisky hadn't been kidding when she said their training would begin immediately. She fished her phone out of her pocket, her eyebrows shot up when she realized she'd missed a text from Hisoka several hours ago.
"Did you make it to Zaban City okay~?"
Kinta smiled at the text, he wanted to check in with her. How cute.
"Awe, are you worrying about me? That's adorable."
She slipped her phone back into her pocket as she arrived at the Inn, a short, older lady with small, black eyes greeted her at the front desk. She gave Kinta a small golden key and sent her up the rickety looking wooden stairs. This place was nothing like the luxury Kinta had grown accustomed to, the bedroom was just big enough for a small bed and a dresser with a lamp in the far corner. The bathrooms were communal, meaning she'd have to go down the hall and hope a stall was available to use the shower or toilet. Kinta sat down on the lumpy mattress heavily, she didn't mind the shabby place and it's not like she couldn't afford better. This was just conveniently close to where her and Bisky would be training, and perhaps staying in a non-luxury Inn would help remind her of where she came from. She'd grown up sleeping on a lumpy mess of blankets on the floor of a closet after all. This was still a step up from that. Hopefully this will help remind her of who she is without the magician by her side.
Her fingers came up to touch the golden lock on her collar just as her phone buzzed again.
"I'll take that as a yes~ little brat~"
Kinta smiled down at her phone, a sad knot twisting in her chest as she stared at his adorable little text emoji. "I miss you too, Hisoka."
Hey guys, this'll be my last update for a little while. I'm going on Vacation with family and I'm gonna take the time to take a little break from my writing. I'll be posting again in about a week, I promise I won't pull a Togashi and disappear for 2 years 😂😭. I'll be back soon!

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