Oddly Familiar

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It was selfish, the kind of relief and warmth that washed over Hisoka at her words. At a time where Kinta couldn't even remember herself, she still remembered him- barely. It brought a little comfort to his frayed nerves. 

"You little bitch!" The nurse spat as the officers finally wrestled her into a pair of cuffs. "You killed him!"

Kinta scrambled off the bed, tucking herself agaisnt the magaician. Was she- cowering? Kinta never cowered, she never showed her fear so willingly. But regardless, Hisoka put his arm in front of her protectively, tucking her farther behind him as he watched the woman be dragged out.

"I'll avenge him! We will avenge Arthur!" The woman screamed just as she was finally drug away, the doctor hot on her heels.

Hisoka heard Kinta gasp softly at the sound of her fathers name, he slowly turned to see her face as pale as a sheet and her hands trembling at her sides.

"Who- who's Arthur?" She stuttered as she looked up at him, confusion and anxiety clouding her eyes "Why does- why does his name make me feel like this?"

"Kinta~" Hisoka started, reaching out for her but she pulled away.

"Who is he?!" She exclaimed loudly. "Why does his name make me feel so- so panicked all of a sudden? And- who the hell was she? Why was she trying to kill me? Did- did I kill somebody?"

"Baby please~" It wasn't often Hisoka used that pet name, it usually just slipped out. But now was not the time for it.

"Baby?!" Kinta's eyes widened. "Wha- who are you? Why do I know your name but- I don't know who you are?" She put her hands on either side of her head, grabbing her head tightly as her breathing became rapid with panic. "Who- who the hell am I? What happened? Why don't I remember anything?!" She groaned and shook her head violently, still holding her head in her hands.

"Kinta~ calm down, please~" He cautiously stepped towards her, not wanting to startle her again.

"I'm so confused- I'm so fucking confused-" she muttered, still clutching her head tightly. "Why-" she finally looked up, letting go of her head as she looked back at Hisoka.

But the combination of the stress and the injury was too much for her, Hisoka watched her eyes dim as she suddenly swayed right before her knees gave out. He caught her head just before she hit the ground, gently but quickly slipping an arm under her and lifting her back onto the hospital bed. He gently laid her out before turning and sitting heavily on the side of the bed, he sighed loudly, bending his neck to rub his temples with the pads of his fingers.

"Why can't anything ever be easy for us~" He muttered under his breath, rocking his head back to take a deep-calming breath.

An odd combination of rage and anxiety threatened to override the more logical side of his brain. As angry as he was at Illumi right now, he needed to keep a level head, for Kinta's sake. But what could he do for her? Bungee gum could solve a lot of things, but unfortunately he couldn't glue her brain back together. Perhaps he could find a nen healer, the injuries were caused by Illumi's nen- so perhaps they'd be able to restore her. But for now, he needed to keep her safe and the hospital was a bad place for her to be. He'd been foolish to think that since Arthur was dead that the people he had planted in the hospitals would no longer be a threat. Of course Kinta's father would continue to cause problems for them from beyond the grave.

"Hm-" Kinta's soft whimper echoed in the room.

His chest tightened at the pathetic sound as he reached out and gently brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"Shh~" he cooed gently, a small smile tugging the corner of his lips as he watched her sleepily nuzzle his hand.

She remembered him, Hisoka didn't quite understand why or how- but at least she remembered him.

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