Trick Tower

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The next phase was a tower that they had to find their way to the bottom of, without climbing down the side.

They were given no instruction, just plopped on top of this massive tower and left to figure it out on their own. The applicants had only learned that they couldn't climb down the side when they watched a man be carried off by flying monsters when he'd tried. Kinta happened to catch sight of somebody just as they fell through what looked like a trap door.

Was that their way down? Or was it another obstacle they were supposed to avoid? She went over and tried to examine the door but it had been sealed shut.

"Damn." Kinta muttered as she stood, starting to walk away from the door. "I'll have to try to find anoth- Ah!" The ground suddenly gave away under Kinta's foot as she fell through another trap door. She landed not so gracefully on her bum on the hard stone floor.

"Guess I found another door." Kinta groaned as she stood and looked around. This was just a dimly lit corridor, she wasn't even sure where the light was coming from.

There were six doors, three on either side of the corridor. She tested a couple of the doors, they were all unlocked. Which one was she supposed to take? She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, in fact she could feel an ominous aura  coming from somewhere in this building. But considering the tower was full of convicts it didn't come as much of a surprise to Kinta. She picked a door at random, leading her into another poorly light corridor that took her about thirty minutes to walk down before she came to do a giant stone wall with the words "Dead End" painted over it.

"Ohh, I get it now." Kinta sighed as she turned to jog back the way she came. "This is a maze, but how the hell am I going to find my way out of here? There has to be a clue, right?"

She was talking to herself as she jogged back to the corridor that she'd started in. Kinta could feel that ominous aura again as she re-entered the corridor, actually she could feel it getting closer when she approached one door in particular.

"Guess that's my clue." She muttered as she pushed the wooden door open. "Go TOWARDS the big, scary aura. This exam is encouraging my bad habits."

This corridor was well lit, unlike the other ones. It also had several more doors to choose from, Kinta kept picking the door that led her closer to the aura. Sometimes it was as simple as walking down a hallway, others she had to scale large stone walls, there was even a pool that she had to swim through. It was full of strange vine-like plants that seemed to TRY and wrap themselves around you as swam, but she'd still managed to make it through without too much difficulty.

Finally, as she walked through yet another door she found the source of the aura she'd been following. A shadow of a man hunched over against the far side of the wall, he was blocking the entry to a set of stairs that lead up to a singular door.

"I didn't expect to see anybody here so soon." The man chuckled as he slowly stood. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but a tattered pair of pants and chains that broke away as he stood. His aura grew more menacing as he righted himself. "No matter. I get fifty years off my sentence if I keep you from passing the exam."

"Oh, so that door is the end of the exam?" Kinta cocked her head to the side and pointed at the door at the top of the stairs.

The man finally looked at her, his eyes suddenly going wide. "What the hell?! How did a tiny little girl get this far already?!"

A knot formed on Kinta's forehead but she tried to ignore it. "Sooo, are we going to fight now or?"

"Oh no, no-" The man covered his face with his hand and started to chuckle. "You know who I am don't you?"

Kinta rolled her eyes. "I don't really care, but you're going to tell me anyways aren't you?"

"I'm The Ripper!" The man exclaimed, causing Kinta to roll her eyes again and cross her arms over her chest as she watched his theatrics. "Aptly named for my tendency to rip young women apart, limb from limb. That is- after I've had my fun with them."

The man drug his gaze over Kinta's body, causing her blood to run cold.

"You're not my usual type, but it's been so long since I've heard a woman's screams- I suppose you'll do."

Kinta sighed, uncrossing her arms to run a hand through her hair as she looked up and around the room. "This room is rather dingy isn't it?"

The man balked, confused at the sudden change in subject. "I-I-"

"Don't you think it would look much better if we decorated it?" Kinta lunged suddenly, bringing her knife to her side. The man wasn't nearly fast enough to even try to dodge her attack. She plunged the knife into his gut and he doubled over. "You're blood and entrails would look nice on these walls, don't you think?" She purred in his ear as she ripped the knife upwards.


Kinta arrived at the bottom of the tower at the same time as Hisoka. He gave her an innocent smile before taking a seat against the wall. He didn't seem to notice that she was covered in blood until after she sat down, she sat down a couple feet away and he continued to look at her like she was a snack. What had she gotten herself into?

She did notice the blood seeping from a wound on his shoulder, and another on his side. She felt a twinge of concern in her gut and immediately scolded herself for it. 'He can obviously handle himself. The only person I should be worrying about is me.' Kinta crossed her arms over her chest and closed her eyes. Deciding to meditate while she waited.

"Are you hurt?" A husky voice stirred her. Kinta must have fallen asleep, she hadn't gotten much sleep on the airship.

"Hmm?" She mumbled as she slowly opened her eyes. And saw Hisoka kneeling inches away from her. She stifled a yelp that ended up coming out as a squeak and he smiled.

"No I'm not." Kinta huffed defensively. "And why would you care if I was?"

"Because I don't want anything slowing you down during our fight." Hiskoa sighed contentedly as he stood.

Kinta rolled her eyes. "And what about your injuries? Should I worry about them slowing you down?"

Hisoka chuckled. "This is just a scratch~ I'll be fine." He looked her over one last time with a strange look in his eyes, licked his lips and walked away.

Kinta shivered. Simultaneously turned on and creeped out, again.

Several hours passed before anybody else showed up. As participants slowly started to trickle in, Kinta began to wonder if Gon and his friends were going to make it.

A food cart was provided while they waited, but Kinta wasn't hungry. The room they were waiting in had no windows and they had been here over 10hours now. She was starting to feel claustrophobic and it was making her nauseous. So she tried to just focus on her meditating, but it was hard when she could feel that creepy clown's eyes on her.

'Just ignore him.' She thought to herself. 'He's trying to make you uncomfortable, don't give him the satisfaction.'  Kinta smiled, eyes still closed and stretched her legs out in front of her, crossing them at the ankles. She then stretched her arms up and folded them behind her head as she rested against the wall. Trying to look as relaxed as possible while she continued to meditate.

Several more hours passed and they had less than 1 minute left when Gon and his friends made it out. 'Way to make it by the skin of your teeth guys.'

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