Remnants of Death

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They stayed like that for a long time. Hisoka simply held her and smoothed her hair against her head until her tears had dried and the well of emotions had finally stopped gushing out of her.

"Hisoka-" Kinta finally pulled away from him, rubbing her dry eyes. "Where is Arthur? And how did you convince him to bring me back?"

She blinked as looked down, realizing she'd just rubbed her eye with the arm that had been severed.

"And- how did I get my arm back?" It looked fine, felt fine. But she remembered seeing the twisted, mangled limb on the floor.

"Hmm~" Hisoka sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "It's a long story~"

"Tell me."

"Right to business huh~?" The magician slowly shook his head. "You're not going to like it~"

Kinta simply crossed her arms over her chest and waited patiently for his answer.

He sighed again, adjusting himself on the bed so he sat cross-legged in front of her.

"First, I had Machi reattach your arm~"

"Is that the same girl who reattached your arms after your fight with Kastro? Isn't she part of the Phantom Troupe?"

"Yes~" Hisoka nodded.

"So she knows who I am?"

"No~ I concealed your identity with my texture surprise and bungee gum, the Phantom Troupe should still be oblivious to you~" Hisoka pursed his lips for a moment. "Though, Machi is known for her very accurate instincts~ There is a chance she might suspect something, but she has no proof to go off of~"

"Hm- okay. I'm assuming you got my father to bring me back, how?" Kinta blinked a few times, the room started to feel like it was swaying.  "Arthur has a son and lover. I'm not sure if they were there when we attacked the compound, or if he kept it a secret from the rest of the family. But we used them as leverage to force him to bring you back~"

"A- a son? I have a brother?" Kinta blinked and furrowed her brow. "Wait, what do you mean we?"

"Me and Illumi of course~"

"I should have guessed you hired him."

"Actually~ he tracked them down in order to repay the favor he owed you, for saving Kalluto~" Hisoka gave her a closed eyed smile. "But, now he says you owe HIM a favor~" The magician pursed his lips.

"Ah- okay? Spit it out." This was a lot of info to take at once, Kinta's head was starting to hurt again.

"Illumi is holding Arthur hostage on his family's estate~ he didn't tell me what he wants in return, just that you'll owe him a favor~"

"You- you guys are keeping my father hostage?" She blinked and ran a hand, unsuccessfully, through her knotted hair. A small smile began to pull the corners of her lips, forget the new knowledge of her having a brother or that she owed Illumi a favor. They had her father hostage, caged like a rat, she could finally kill him. "Heh- then what are we waiting for?" Kinta moved to swing her legs over the side of the bed, ignoring the pain racing through her body or the weakness she felt in her legs. "Let's go!"

"Absolutely not~" Hisoka huffed just as Kinta felt something connect between her shoulders and pull her back down to the bed, pinning her there.

"Hi-Hisoka!" Kinta protested as she tried to pull against his bungee gum.

"You are in no condition to fight! You haven't even looked at yourself in the mirror yet~" He crossed his arms over his chest and slowly shook his head. "You tried to kill him right after he resurrected you too~ crazy girl~" He grumbled, glaring down at her. "You're not going after him until you've recovered~"

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