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Hey guys! Here's another sporadic update for you! I've FINALLY started to feel the itch to write again so hopefully I'll be back to my regular posting soon! In the mean time check out these super cool video's of Kinta and Hisoka made by


They are so cool, I love them so much!! And the style they chose for Kinta is immaculate. I love how they included bits of the story in the background of the videos. Thank you so so much, I adore these!!

"Leorio?!" Kinta called after him, causing both him and Hisoka to turn.

Leorio spun around, his eyes almost bulging out of his head when he spotted Kinta standing on the street corner. She pulled away from Hisoka as she approached him.

"Ki- Kinta?!?!" He exclaimed loudly, dropping his briefcase on the ground as he ran over to her. "What the- how the hell?!!" Leorio yelled flusteredly as he ran towards them. As shocked as he was, a look of relief washed over his face as he reached his arms out like he planned to hug her.

But Hisoka stepped up behind her, hovering protectively as he placed a hand on the small of her back. It's not that he thought Leorio would hurt her, but he'd been extra possessive over her these last few weeks.

Leorio paused, dropping his arms back to his sides as he looked back and forth between her and Hisoka. "You're alive?!"

"No, I'm a zombie. I came back to eat your brains!" Kinta waved her hand dramatically, laughing at her own joke.

Leorio didn't seem to find it very funny, he looked pale as a ghost. But Hisoka chuckled quietly behind her.

"How- how is this possible?! I watched you die Kinta!" He knelt down in front of her, taking her wrist like he was checking for a pulse, which only made Kinta laugh.

"I uh- know some people with interesting Nen abilities." She rubbed the back of her neck as she spoke.

"Interesting?! I'd say being able to resurrect the dead is pretty damn incredible!!" Leorio exclaimed loudly.

"Shhhh!" Kinta waved her hands in front of her. "Can you not announce it to the whole world?! jeez!"

"Well how am I supposed to react when-"

Leorio's voice cut out as the ringing in Kinta's ears suddenly came back, causing her to sway and take a step backwards to catch herself as the world started to spin again.

"Kinta~" Hisoka's voice drifted down to her as he wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her.

"Hey are you okay?" Leorio furrowed his brow just as the spinning started to stop.

"Yeah- I'm alright." Kinta smiled weakly. "Just tired is all."

"You should see a doctor, you look awful." Leorio drug his worried gaze over her.

"Gee thanks Leorio." Kinta rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, and it's not exactly a good idea for me to go to the hospital right now." She brought her hands up to rub her temples tiredly.


"She needs to lay low while she recovers, and unfortunately the people she's laying low from could have people planted in the hospitals~" Hisoka practically growled, not taking his eyes off Kinta.

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