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Hey guys! Check out this awesome fanart by @mpsofia97 !! Kinta looks so badass and I love the detail they put into the background, this is awesome! Thank you so much!

I finally made a Dicord  server for everybody! Me (kinta_amorou) and my BF/ Editor (Diogensis) will be the moderators. If you decide to use it please keep it friendly and try to limit the Hisoka pedo jokes. This link will be good for the next seven days, I'll try to periodically repost a fresh link. Thank you and enjoy!



Hisoka picked listlessly at the expensive dinner he'd brought back to his room at Heavens Arena. It'd been three days since he'd lost Kinta, he'd been trying to track down Arthur so he could find a way to force the man to bring his beloved Kitten back. But he hadn't had much luck and the constant empty ache in his chest didn't help him to focus much. Not even fighting had quelled the pain, despite his trying. Heavens arena was still under repair from the lockdown, but that didn't stop them from hosting their fights.

The magician had spent many sleepless nights scouring the Hunter website for any clues on Kinta's father. But the man was harder to track down than he'd originally thought. He was surprised to find that Arthur Kakeyama was registered as a Hunter, but there was no info beyond that. Where else could he go? He couldn't go interrogate his family, Hisoka and Kinta had destroyed their home and killed almost everybody inside. Trying to track down the survivors would be even harder then trying to find Arthur himself. The magician felt hopeless, finding people had never exactly been his strong suit.

Hisoka would like to think that his lack of sleep was due to the noise of parts of the building being reconstructed, but he knew why he wasn't sleeping. Every time the magician closed his eyes, he could see her. Her golden red hair swaying in the breeze on a sunny day. The sound of her laugh, her voice as she spoke sweet nothings to him and Kinta's beautiful green eyes watching him. But every time Hisoka reached out to touch her, she'd disappear.

With an annoyed huff, he packed up the remainder of his food and tossed it in the garbage can. Ignoring the fact that those three bites of food were the only thing he'd eaten in three days.

"Dammit~" He huffed, rocking his head back and running his hand through his loose hair.

How long could Kinta stay dead before she couldn't be resurrected? Was there a time limit? Had he already passed it? What if Arthur couldn't bring her back? What if Hisoka couldn't even find the man? If he couldn't find him, then he would have failed his beloved Kitten twice. Why the hell hadn't he asked more about the man's unique ability before?!

"Damnit!" Hisoka roared, finally losing his composure as he slammed his fist through the wall.

His hand went straight through the plaster and the stud he hadn't realized was there. He paused for a moment before slowly pulling his hand back out. Hisoka blinked as he examined his hand, deep cuts ran across his knuckles and the back of his hand. He'd been so distracted by his own emotions, he hadn't bothered to use his aura to protect himself. It'd been so long since he'd felt so distraught, so hurt and angry- he wasn't sure how to process these emotions. But Kinta had a method.

Hisoka furrowed his brow as he took his other hand over the backs of his bloody knuckles and dug his thumb nail into the wound. The sharp pain raced up his arm as he twisted his nail into the wound, blood now dripping off his finger tips.

Kinta used pain to ground herself, Hisoka had never truly understood that method. How could physical pain relieve the emotional pain? But as he worked, a strange numbing calmness washed over him. The physical pain temporarily over riding the emotional, giving him something else to focus on. No- it gave him a place to focus his pain. A place to pinpoint it rather than drown in it.

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