Its just sex

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Kinta turned her face up to the hot water, her knee's threatened to buckle underneath her. She wondered how long her and Hisoka had been going at it, her body ached all over. Still sore from her training and now even more sore from her time with him. Her hand trailed over the bite mark he'd left on her shoulder, he'd bitten her so hard that it had bled slightly but Kinta wasn't too upset about it. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was marking her on purpose, like he was somehow claiming her.
The thought left butterflies in her stomach and Kinta rolled her eyes at herself. 'Don't be ridiculous!' She thought as she washed her body. 'Sure you're one of his toys, or supposed pet, but he's not that possessive.'
Kinta stepped out of the shower and examined the bite mark on her shoulder. The fucker had got her good, it would probably take a couple of days to heal completely. So why the hell did it feel so damn good when he did it?
Kintas face burned as she vigorously toweled her hair, like the could shake the memory out of her head. She'd marked him as well, sure it wasnt with her teeth, but was she trying to claim Hisoka as well? She mulled over the idea of Hisoka being all her's, while the thought was nice, she had a hard time seeing him tied down to one person. So what did that make them? They were certainly spending a lot of time together, and there was definitely some shared affection between them. Is this how people would pursue a relationship?
Kinta cocked her head at herself in the mirror, she'd never really thought about that before. She'd never wanted a relationship with anybody before.
"It doesn't matter anyways." Kinta rolled her eyes at herself and slipped back into a long tshirt and panties. She didn't bother with pants since the shirt went half way down her thighs anyways.
It's not like a relationship with Hisoka would be very viable anyways, he did plan on destroying her one day after all. No, she needed him for her to get stronger. He was teaching her Nen and the sex was just that, just sex. She didn't need to make their relationship more complicated by bringing feelings into it. Yet oddly, the thought left a tender ache in her chest as she exited the restroom.
Hisoka was stretched out on his back on the bed, his arms folded behind his head and still completely naked. He laid there like he didn't have a care in the world and Kinta couldn't help her eyes wandering over his body. He'd showered before her, he'd removed the remainder of his makeup and left his hair loose around his face.
"Arnt you going to get dressed?" Kinta sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and propping her hip against the wall.
Hisoka opened one eye, laziley trailing it down her body. A smile slowly spreading over his face, he seemed to like it when she only wore a long shirt.
"Why should I? Do you not appreciate the view~?" He teased, still not moving from his spot on the bed.
Kinta rolled her eyes, of course she was enjoying the view. But it was distracting and she wanted to practice her Nen a bit before going to bed. She moved away from the wall and sat cross legged in the middle of the room, closing her eyes. She started on the basics, once she completed that she moved on to her En, that's when she realized Hisoka had sat up on  the bed to watch her.
"You've gotten better already." He chuckled.
Kinta didn't open her eyes, just concentrated on expanding her En as far as she could while maintaining it. Kinta had a feeling that this skill would come in handy in the fights to come, so she wanted to make sure she was very comfortable using it.
However, she still couldn't tell how far exactly her En was reaching. She could tell it had gotten bigger, but Kinta was really bad at estimating distances. She finally sighed and released her En. "So, about how far is my En reaching now?" She cocked her head at Hisoka as she opened her eyes again. 
"Hmm~ about ten feet." He smirked
A grin broke out on Kinta's face. "Really?! I knew it had gotten better but I didn't think I had gotten it that far."
"Let's see your In." Hisoka stood and pulled a pair of light blue sweatpants from the dresser. She watched him step into the pants, loving the way they hugged his ass as he pulled them up. How the hell did he make a pair of baggy sweatpants look so damn sexy?
Kinta focused her power into her fingertips until her aura took shape, she focused on extended out the band of aura extending from her fingertip.
In was using an advanced form of Zetsu to keep your aura hidden, Kinta closed her eyes and focused. Imagining her aura becoming invisible. Her aura seemed to flicker for a moment before turning invisible. But it was very hard for Kinta and she only managed to maintain it for a couple of seconds. She scowled at it and tried again, this time the aura became invisible almost immediately, and she managed to maintain it for about a minute.
"Needs more practice, hmm~" Hisoka mused as he sat on the edge of the bed above Kinta. "If you insist on staying up, that's what you should practice."
Kinta was already trying again, she realized the farther she sent her aura out the harder it was for her to maintain her In. She heard Hisoka chuckle softly before he shifted on the bed again, resting his back on the head rest. She knew he was watching her but she was focusing on mastering her In so that they could finally move on to something else.
"Tomorrow we will go over Shu." Hisoka informed her. He had his arms crossed over his chest. "If you can impress me then we will move on to the next step, Ko."
"Ko?" Kinta broke her concentration and gave him a quizzical look.
Hisoka chuckled lightly. "Stay focused, my little pet~"
Kinta rolled her eyes. "Yes sir." She said in a mocking tone. But Hisoka actually smiled, causing Kinta to blush. She shook her head and went back to practicing her In.

Hey everybody, I hope your enjoying the story so far! I thought I'd give you guys a little update, diagnostics for Tigger have been put on hold since I ran out of funds. However we have him on medication now that's keeping him comfortable so he's currently doing just fine. But now we have Wildfires breathing down our neck and I'm in the process of making evacuation plans for my two cats, dog and horse. If the updates suddenly stop it's probably because we had to evacuate 😞.  I will try to keep writing as much as I can until then, writing this story is my escape from my crappy reality at this time lol.
Anyways, thank you all for your love and support! I'm so glad you're all enjoying this, and I hope everybody is staying safe with the current state of the world (or maybe it's just the USA 🤷🏻‍♀️). Please don't forget to comment/ vote!!

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