"Distracted? At this hour? By what?" you wondered out loud, not quite realizing that you were voicing out your thoughts.

"Umm you know" he awkwardly cleared his throat, "Booty calls and all that..."

"Oh" was all you could say in response. He chuckled yet again, that endearing sound leaving his lips making your heart flutter.

"Why do you look so disgusted with me? You are probably still a virgin, huh?" he asked you out of the blue, making you feel flustered. Your cheeks burned and you couldn't maintain eye contact with him.

"Shouldn't be your concern" you snapped, feeling insulted somehow. "What makes you think it's okay to ask somebody a bold question like that? Especially a stranger."

"Stranger?" he asked, looking amused. "I don't think we are strangers y/n."

You parted your lips, ready to attack, but you were at a loss for words. He gave you that dazzling smile where his dimples showed and you forgot how to spell your name.

"Anyways" he said, still grinning, "We are here to study. So no small talk and also don't tell anyone about this. Can't risk people thinking I am a geek now."

You rolled your eyes at that bit but didn't comment on it. For the next hour, you tried to desperately concentrate on your papers but it was of no use. Having him sit just across from you, wasn't helping the situation at all. He would keep glancing at you whenever you shifted in your seat or you heaved a small frustrated sigh. He had ruined your study flow completely. Whilst you were struggling to read a sentence without getting distracted by him, he was focused just fine on his textbooks. You had never seen him this quiet and focused ever before.

In lectures, he was always on his phone or flirting with the girl sitting next to him or the girl across the lecture hall - it didn't fucking matter where they were seated, he would make it work. Growing more and more annoyed at how you didn't make any progress at all, you decided not to waste any more time and at least go back home and sleep. When you began packing your things, Jimin stopped reading his textbook and looked at you.

"Are you leaving already?" he asked, sounding almost disappointed.

"Already? I have been here since 8pm" you said in a rather snappy tone due to how annoyed you were that you hadn't gotten much studying done.

"Oh," he mumbled, getting up too. "I will walk you home then."

You froze hearing him say that. He began packing his things in a hurry as if to not make you wait. You stood there completely baffled. Why would he walk you home? You weren't his type - his type was blonde barbie dolls, so he probably wasn't aiming to get in your pants. You weren't friends too though, so he probably wasn't doing this because he cared for you. So why was he doing this?

"Aren't you coming?" he asked, when he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"You don't have to walk me home. I am fine on my own" you said, suddenly feeling the urge to defend yourself, to almost protect yourself. This was probably his thing, huh? On how many girls had he pulled this move before? You weren't going to fall for it.

"It's late y/n" he said, "I wouldn't feel good if I just left."

You scanned his face trying to uncover mischief in his facial expression but there was none to be found in his soft features, slight eye bags due to tiredness and his warm brown eyes. He looked like he couldn't do anyone any harm. He looked trustworthy and kind. And you fell for it. You fell for those brown eyes that promised the whole world.

"Don't mention this ever" you warned him.

"Don't worry. I was going to ask you the same thing."

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