Dwayne || The Lost Boys

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[] Focusing on the wrong thing []

Non-Binary reader :)

Dwayne was truly happy for once in his immortal life. His partner - mate, was going to meet his best friends and if they approved of them, they would be changed and then would become an immortal - vampire, like himself and the other boys.

"Are you ready to meet the boys?!" Dwayne yelled over the air at his partner who sat behind him on the back of his motorcycle, their eyes were closed and they hugged his waist lightly almost as if they were asleep but really they were just enjoying the chill in the air of Santa Carla.

"Yes." they respond voice above a whisper slightly, the chilling airs of Santa Carla smoothed their emotions which were running wild.

Dwayne smiled widely the moment he parked in front entrance to the cave, "Now or never sweets." he grinned using their pet name he gave them.

Helping his mate from off the motorcycle he walked them towards the entrance and inside of the cave.

"Dwayne's back!." Paul shouted out.

Marko smirked once he saw the human behind his friend, thinking they were a snack he raced over only to stop inches away from the pair, he sniffed the air and the scent of Dwayne was covering them. Marko smirked again and said, "So, I see this ones your mate."

"Yeah." Dwayne replies slyly.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you." David says as he walks closer, he stops talking once he sees their not paying attention to him nor the others instead their glance was on their mates hair.

"Their name's (Y/n)." Dwayne says, "(Y/n) these are my friends. David, Paul and Marko." he says.

The boys watch in amusement at Dwayne, he doesn't even realize they're not paying attention to him.

"(Y/n)." Dwayne says.

"Sweets -" Dwayne start to turn to face his partner but a tug on his hair stops him, "Sweets, what are you doing?" Dwayne asks slowly.

"Braiding." (y/n) says in a soft voice tugging on his hair again.

"Braiding what exactly?" he asks.

"Your hair." they respond.

The three boys couldn't contain themselves and soon the three burst out into laughter at Dwayne's partner's lack of attention span.

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