The Brothers // Obey Me

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[] Three Wishes []

"If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?"

You raised an eyebrow at the brother that directed the question at you, and he responds with a cheeky grin. It's rare that all eight of you are gathered like this; usually everyone is spread out all over the house. Mammon, Satan and Lucifer are sprawled out on the various armchairs spread throughout the room, well, Mammon and Satan are sprawled out. Lucifer is, surprise surprise, sat ramrod straight in his chair, sipping a cup of tea. Asmo and Levi sit at the dining table, painting their nails and playing a handheld game respectively. The twins are entangled together on the couch, and you can see Beel trying to reach for the snacks on the coffee table without disturbing a half-asleep Belphie. Seven expectant pairs of eyes look to you upon hearing Mammon's random question, waiting for your response. You purse your lips. "Well..."

"An unlimited amount of money, of course." You answer with a laugh, mirroring Mammon's cheeky smile. In response, the Avatar of Greed suddenly leaps up from his chair to pulls you from yours. The other six roll their eyes as Mammon waltzes with you around the room with a proud grin.


"Alright, enough." Belphie grumbles. He pulls you from Mammon's grasp as you waltz past, and Beel shuffles to the side to make room for you on the couch. Mammon collapses back in his original seat, still grinning. "What else would you wish for?"

You snuggle up to the twins. "Well...I'd like to be with you guys forever. You guys mean the world to me now...I can't imagine living my life with all of you."

Levi's cheeks flush red at your declaration. "E-Even me?"

You flash him an affectionate smile. "Of course, Levi. It just wouldn't be the same without you." 

Everyone in the room is smiling at you now, their favourite human. The one that, against all odds, managed to unite the family and win over their hearts. Beel gently nudges you in the side. "And your last wish?"

Deep in thought, you absentmindedly take the handful of popcorn Beel offers you and pop it in your mouth. "Well," you begin, your mouth full. "I'd like to be handsome."

Everyone in the room freezes. You can feel the previously joyous atmosphere draining from the room. Lucifer requests for you to swallow your food before you talk. "Could you please repeat yourself, MC?"

Aware that all seven brothers are looking at you oddly, you swallow nervously. "I, um. Would like to be pretty? Good looking? Even if it's just for an hour. No one's ever really found me attractive, per se. And my parents have always been saying stuff like 'Oh if you do this, you'd look way better' so I-"

The twins engulf you in a tight hug, cutting off your rambling. Mammon comes hurtling from the other side of the room to join the cuddle pile. "G-Guys?!"

"You know you're handsome already, right?" Satan says, his brows furrowed together in concern. Lucifer nods. It seems like the two of them are in agreement for once. "You're the most ethereal being we've ever laid our eyes on."

"Even more so than Asmo." Levi chimes in. Indignation crosses Asmo's face momentarily, you can practically hear what he's thinking, "How dare anyone say that about me?!", but to your surprise, even Asmo is quick to agree.

"We love you, Y/N." Beel murmurs, pulling you closer to him. 

Mammon meets your gaze, and you can see in them the amount of affection he holds for you. He presses a kiss to the top of your head. "Just the way you are."

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