Remus Lupin // HP

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Curled up in the Gryffindor common room in front of the fireplace was your favourite place to sit. The warmth it offered was second to none and the couches were very soft and quite often did you find yourself at ease and thinking of home.

In the buttery firelight, more often than you'd ever admit, you found yourself thinking of home. Not of a place but of a person. You were both so young, it was ridiculous but it had to be forever. Because if he wasn't forever then you didn't want that, only him. Only home. Only Remus.

Behind your own fluttering eyelids, your love for him was written like a hymn that you'd gladly sing over and over until it was the only thing that you knew. I love I love I love you.

His face was ingrained in your memories, in softer moments he was akin to a melody. A soothing reprieve to something hard, something mellow and entirely sweeter. On the bad days, he was a lighthouse. He was gravity and insanity through it all.

Sometimes when you stared at him for too long you traced constellations in the freckles on his face. Whenever you'd do that, he'd look at you and flush a pretty pink from the apples of his cheeks to the tips of his ears.

Remus was home. He was a safe haven that you would never give up willingly. This thought is strengthened every time he kisses your nose, every time he gives you his sweater, every time he hugs you and every time he says I love you.

The thought is strengthened even further when he curls up behind you in the Gryffindor common room in the buttery firelight. It is strengthened when he throws a leg over yours and breathes in the scent of your hair with a tender smile on is face. It is strengthened as he murmurs I love you into your neck and kisses your jaw. It is strengthened as he tickles your sides and giggles like a child, free and unabashed.

"Sweetheart," he murmurs, all too sweet. "Someday, after this war is over we're going to get married like I told my mum I'd do. And then we're going to grow old together whilst watching our grandchildren play on the front porch. And when it all ends I'll have spent my life with you being the happiest man alive. I love you."

And like a hymn you mull over what he said until you too fall asleep like he has, in the buttery golden firelight of the Gryffindor common room, asleep with your home.

"I love you too."

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