Katsuki Bakugo // BNHA

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[] Jealousy []

It feels like time is slowing as you watch the offensive short boy go stumbling backwards, some blood pouring from his nose. He had been annoying you sure, making comments about your body he had no business making and in all honesty you were moments away from knocking him out yourself. But your fist wasn't the one that connected with his face.

"Beat it extra, like he'd ever be interested in a nobody like you!" Bakugo raged, fist clenched ready to spring at the slightest indication of protest but the short boy proved to be all mouth, shrinking back at the threat of violence.

"Did you punch him???!" You exclaim, the boy all but forgotten as he slinks away from the violent blonde.

The blonde just shrugs as if it were no big deal, shoving his hands into the pockets of his uniform but doesn't walk away from the situation.

"Why the hell did you do that?" You question, in the heat of the moment you're stepping close to him until the two of you are just a few inches apart.

Those ruby eyes of his bore into yours as he gazes at up/down at you, he's calm not angry, seeming to be taking in your features unabashedly. "Because I'm your boyfriend, dumbass."

His claim makes your face heat up like it's over an open flame, he said it with such confidence! How the hell does he do that? Sure, Katsuki was a little nicer to you than most people besides Kirishima but whenever you end up in the same place you'd chalk it up to coincidence. Bakugo didn't follow after anyone, he didn't go out of his way for anybody, so why would he think you were special?

"B-b- but. . ."

"But what?" He barks, his patience obviously shrinking as he looms over/next to you closely enough for you to feel the heat radiating of his skin.

"We're not even dating?"

In response he gives you the smuggest grin, using his hand to tilt your face towards his." Then maybe we should start."

Various males x male reader oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora