Midoriya and Bakugo // BNHA

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[] Rivals []

"Hey Deku, you're below the rejects, you're quirkless."

You watched with agitation as Bakugo set himself on the poor boy like a mad dog. Whisps of smoke wafted off Midoriya's now destroyed desk, a painfully obvious burn pattern branded into the wood. You glide your sharp gaze away from the object, watching Baku advance towards the green hair boy, cowering on the tile and trying his hardest not to provoke the unstable boy.

"How can you even stand in the same ring as me?" Bakugo continues, his canine teeth gleam under the lights above making him more frightful than he usually was when angry.

"No, wait, Kacchan! It's not that I'm trying to compete with you or anything. " Midoriya trembles holding his arms out defensively as he backed himself against the classroom wall, leaving him with no escape from Bakugo and his rage.

He slouches against the wall, lowering his gaze to the floor as he speaks in his usual meek tone. " It's just that it's been my goal ever since I was little. "

You pivot your body, observing the scene with a pique in interest as the boy expressed something other than fear.

Sure he still looked terrified...

Whisps of hair fall into your vision as you cocked your head curiously trying to pinpoint exactly what it was you felt from Midoriya.

There was something else in his eyes, not just fear but perhaps. . . determination?

"But well. . . " He glances off seeming to debate with himself whether or not to say what's on the tip of his tongue.

A shaky smile comes onto his face as he dares to make eye contact with Bakugo. " . . .I won't know unless I try. . ."

Bakugo's aura becomes even darker than before, you can feel it radiating off of him in waves as his appearance grew more sinister. "What do you mean unless you try, is this a game to you?"

"You're quirkless."

And you have had enough.

"So what? " You spoke up, refusing to let this go on any longer as you rise from the seat.

The teacher gulps under your icy glare utterly disgusted with him for sitting on his ass and allowing bullying to take place it was his job to protect his students and he instead made Midoriya a target. That was unacceptable.

Bakugo whips around, narrowed eyes widening as he realized who it was that butted in of all people of course it had to be you. His heart wrenched at the close proximity but he successfully covered it all with an angry scowl that had no effect on the you. You merely gazed back with those apathetic eyes that has an odd glint to them, eyes that lit up the few times you graced this world with your laugh. He hated the way his heart clenched when he sees the disgust and disappointment in those eyes for his behavior, he knew where you stood when it came to him messing with Deku but he couldn't help it. The quirkless twerp pissed him off, he was annoying he wanted to wipe him off the face of the Earth but you wouldn't let him. No, you actively stood in Bakugo's way making him wonder what Deku has that he didn't.

Why did you always come to defend him? Why did you choose Midoriya over him?

He couldn't understand. He was stronger than him, bigger than him, better looking, Bakugo was the best and Midoriya was below the lowest of extras. So why?

Even now you take a wide stance placing yourself as a barrier between them with folded arms and a disapproving scowl.

"So what if he doesn't have a quirk?" You challenge, eyes ablaze as you stared the blonde down, daring him to bite back. "He wants to go to UA, just like we do, he has to take the entrance exam just like we do, so let him. It's not up to me or you or him who gets into UA, your score is the determining factor so why are you letting yourself get so pissed?"

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