Belphegor // Obey Me

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[] Thoughts []

gender neutral reader

Belphegor hated this. Really, they were just a human. Why was it so hard to ask them something so simple?

Belphegor sighed, pulling his pillow closer to his chest as he curled into his sheets. This was why he hated humans… Well, he didn’t hate them anymore. At least, not this human. Maybe he liked this one. Just a little…

But! That wasn't the point. The point was they were getting on his nerves. It wasn't anything they were consciously doing, but he still didn't like it. As of late, they were spending more time with his brothers than with him, which was okay most times, but it had been over a week since they had joined him for a nap! Unbelievable, really.

He had been wanting to ask them if they’d join him, but every time he got them alone, someone would ruin it. Mainly Mammon, but that wasn't surprising. He just needed one moment. One moment where none of his brothers could interrupt and he would be good as gold.

In the midst of mulling over his thoughts, he heard a knock at his door. He didn't bother replying, knowing whoever it was would just let themselves in anyway. From underneath his pile of blankets and pillows, he heard the door open and close. Footsteps approached his bed, and it was silent for a moment before the intruder forcibly yanked the blanket off of his head.

He turned his head to glare at them, about to curse whoever it was out for barging in and ruining his nap when he realized who it was. Of course, the human had perfect timing. They grinned down at him, eyes bright and full of wonder despite the grumpy look he was giving them.

"Oh! You're awake?" They asked, stifling a laugh behind their hand. Belphegor rolled his eyes at them, turning over fully and sitting up. In the space he created, they threw themselves into his blankets, beaming up at him now.

"I'm awake now, [Y/N]. What do you want?" He murmured, falling back beside them.

"Ah, don't sound so happy to see me, Belphie!" They laughed, laying on their side to face him as he laid on his back. He felt their hand rest on his arm gently and he had to work to hide the pink that dusted his cheeks.

"Anyway," they spoke again, their other hand tapping quickly on their D.D.D. "Do you wanna go to the park with me? It's been a while since you and I have hung out."

Were they a mind reader? Did they somehow know he had wanted to spend time with them? Was Lucifer really sure they had no magic? All questions Belphegor would probably never voice.

The demon let out a hum, acting nonchalant, stretching his arms and legs into the sky like a cat before he huffed. He didn't really want to leave the house; it was too much effort for the Avatar of Sloth. He would much prefer to just take a nap with them. He gazed over at them, heart practically stopping at the pouty look they gave.

"Please?" They pleaded, the sad look on their face only getting sadder. "We can take a nap when we get home!"

Belphegor sighed, no way he was getting out of this now while they were looking at him like that. He threw his legs off the bed, standing up as they let out a cheer from behind him. He bit back a smile; their enthusiasm was too cute. He headed to the door and watched them run past him, bolting off down the hall towards the front door.

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