Wilson P. Higgsbury // DS

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[] Warmth []

A/N I don't know much about the game Don't Starve so Wilson may not act how he usually does. sorry

This character was requested by _spacetrash thank you for being the first person to request a character. :)


A shivering man walked up to a snow covered bush and picked the tart, red berries off. These berries, as far as he knew, were the last he would find for quite a while. He set them into his pocket and looked around. Dead trees surrounded him and almost all he could see was the bright white snow that covered everything. Y/N, the man with the berries in his pocket, took out a warm thermal stone and began walking.

"Ugh, Jesus, I wish that this rock was warmer," Y/N groaned. "Then I could just lay in the snow and cuddle it. Maybe then I'll fall asleep and die of hypothermia." Of course, that last part was a joke. He would never dream of dying and leaving his friend and crush, Wilson, by himself again.

The two met quite a while ago, almost right after Y/N had been dragged into the Constant.


Y/N sat up, hand-pressed firmly to his forehead. He groaned and looked around, inspecting the very unfamiliar place. 'Geez.' he thought to himself. 'I guess that's what I get for trusting something like that.' He laughed slightly at his thoughts, trying to make light of the situation. To be perfectly honest, he was terrified; he had nothing with him but a fur roll and the little bravery he had left.

After a few minutes, Y/N stood up and worked with what he had. Once he had enough material to make a campfire, torch, and some crude tools that could be used as weapons, he realized how hungry he was.

With an ax in hand, and hunger clouding his thoughts, he set out to go find food. Little did he know, so had a wannabe scientist.

Wilson, the wannabe scientist mentioned above, had been trying to survive in the Constant for about two years now. He knew his way around and actually knew some scientific things. Yet, his icebox was empty and his rabbit traps hadn't caught anything, so he might as well go find ingredients to make something actually worth eating.

A few hours later, the two survivors ran into each other. Y/N was relieved but Wilson was scared and skeptical. He couldn't tell if Y/N was a figment of his imagination or if he was some kind of shape-shifting monster.

"Woah, Woah, it's okay, sir." Y/N calmly said while putting his hands up. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You- you aren't? " Wilson asked, dropping his weapon. "Oh thank god, another person! You have no idea how long it's been since I've seen an actual person!"

The two talked for a while and Wilson invited Y/N to stay at his camp. Wilson said that it would be much easier for both of them to survive that way.


After that, as Wilson said, both of them had an easier time surviving. They had more food, better protection, and just someone to interact with.

Wilson would give advice or tell stories about what it was like when he was alone. By the sounds of it, he was really lonely, even before being thrown into the constant. Before Y/N came, the only reason he was still alive was because of his need to learn for science's sake, but that was running thin. Now that he had someone with him, someone that he genuinely cared about, his will to actually try and survive was restored.

He didn't want to admit it, but Wilson had a growing affection for the man he stayed with. No matter how often he kept telling himself, 'There's no room for love in a place like this', he couldn't help it. Everything about Y/N made him fall deeper.

Y/N really felt the same way, and he wasn't so scared to show his affection. He would lightly flirt with Wilson or "accidentally" brush his hand against his. He had a hard time trying to tell Wilson his feelings though. He had this lingering thought that he would never feel the same, despite their shared personality traits and such.

Yet, one very cold night that changed.

Y/N stood by the fire, cooking the berries that he had gathered. No matter how close he stood next to the fire, he wouldn't stop shaking. It was bewilderingly cold out and it was getting dark.

"Uh, Wilson." Y/N called. "Do you have any extra warm clothes? I'm as cold as hell iced over." Wilson set his hand to his chin and thought for a moment.

"We don't have anything else." he told him. Y/n sighed and sat down cross-legged. Wilson gave him a concerned look and sat down next to Y/N. "You can have my sweater." he offered. He didn't want him to be very cold, even if it meant he could freeze to death.

"No Wilson, it's alright. I don't want you to freeze." he replied, giving Wilson a thank-you-but-no-thank-you look.

"Are you hungry, " he asked, extending his hand out to Wilson.

"Very much so, " he replied taking a few of the cooked berries from Y/N's hand. "Thank you." They sat and ate in silence for a while, before Y/N leaned onto Wilson.

"You're very warm, even though you only have a coat and hat on, " Y/N said, giggling slightly. Wilson's face went bright red. Whenever their hands touched, Wilson had a hard time containing his blush and him being incredibly flustered. This time they didn't just touch hands; Y/N was leaning on him. It was like full-body contact, but not really. He felt like he was going to throw up, in a good way. A goofy grin spread across his face.

"Heh, you- you bet, " Wilson stuttered slightly. After a while of Y/N leaning on Wilson, he carefully and somewhat hesitantly wrapped his arm around Y/N and kissed his cheek. Y/N flinched a bit and set his hand to his cheek. A light pink blush spread across his cheeks and he smiled. Y/N kisses Wilson's cheek, wraps his arms around his waist, and nuzzles his face into his stomach.

"Are you uh- are you feeling any warmer?"  Wilson asked sheepishly.

"I am, Wilson, " Y/N replies, smiling. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I love you."

"I love you too."

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