Ticci Toby

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You were always such a kind person. Toby remembers playing with you when he was younger, when you two were neighbors. Before his dad started drinking, and gambling, and abusing everyone in his path. He remembers being home-schooled from the bullying, and you getting off the bus, asking if you both could play or hang out. You would always give him valentines and birthday gifts, happily telling him they were from you. Up until high school when you were told by his father that he'd kill you if you came in the yard.

Toby was livid after that day. Before the car wreck, before Slender took over his mind and made him into a killing machine to purge the world of the unworthy. You were his only escape from the abuse and the monotony. Sure, Lyra helped, but you and him were a bit closer than siblings. You two shared so many secrets and experiences, that to some mean nothing, but to him meant everything.

Coming back to the town he was raised in was definitely going to be hard for this contract. Especially when EJ was sniffing around for a meal he wasn't able to get until after the job was done. Poor dude. "Hello, what would you like to order?" A voice asks softly, bringing him back to reality. Toby looks up from the window that showed his old neighborhood in the distance, making eye contact with the person who asked. Beautiful bright e/c eyes meet his dark chocolate ones, and he knows almost immediately who it is. "Y/N? Y/N L/N?" Toby asked excitedly, standing from his seat to shake your hand and hug you, catching you off guard.

You squeak, pulling back from the hug at first, not sure who the man was until you saw a few familiar scars that lined his neck and face. "Toby?!" You almost scream, hugging him tighter, squealing excitedly. "They said you were dead! Oh god I thought I lost my only friend! I can't believe you're alive!" You spew, blushing a tinge of red when you finally calm down. Toby smiled at that, seeing that you grew into quite the adult, yet still had that kind attitude. "Sorry, I just, well when we heard what happened, and after your mom moved, I just, it's hard to explain during my shift." You stutter.

Toby flinches at the mention of his mother. She moved? Good. She doesn't need to see Toby like this. With a demonic cannibal friend no less. He tics and twitches here and there while you tell him about what happened, about why you work at a diner, and why you never wanted to leave. "I just missed my best friend...I didn't want to leave the memories. I felt that I would be leaving you...." You admitted with teary eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you were alive?"

Toby clenched his jaw and fists at that question. The one he knew was coming, yet it still felt like a punch to the gut. "Y/N, I w-wish I could T-tell you but I-I-I can't. Not in here a-anyway." He grabs your hand gently, almost desperately, tugging you closer. "Please, please don't let anyone else know. It's dangerous. I-I only let you know because I-I lost my focus and made a mistake-" You scowl, pulling away, cocking an eyebrow "Mistake? So you mean you were never going to tell me? What's going on? I finally get you back and now suddenly I can't say anything?" You look over your shoulder, making sure your boss wasn't around before poking Toby's chest hard "You know me, I know you, something's going on and I deserve to know what. I mourned you, Toby. I fucking cried for months over you and your sister. I deserve an explanation."

Toby smiles at how demanding you got. You weren't demanding because you felt owed, you were demanding because you were worried about Toby. Always have been. It's another reason he's fallen for you, you're always so sweet and kind, putting others before yourself. Toby peers over your shoulder, and speaks a bit too loud for emphasis when he sees the manager "A-ah, yes! Thank you i'll gladly take that special o-over my friends terrible offering of the clams." He winks at you to go along, making your cheeks puff because you knew he wouldn't tell you anything until you were off your shift. "Absolutely sir, I'll bring you your plate of fried green tomatoes shortly." Toby scowled a bit, seeing that you got back at him with something he hated to eat as a kid.

Yet another reason to love you, quick as a whip and underhanded revenge. Jokes on you, EJ made fried green tomatoes back at the Mansion, and they're to DIE for. "Please, Y/N, meet me when your shift is over, I'll explain everything ok? But not here, not where people can hear." You huff, biting your bottom lip before nodding, turning to go take some other orders. EJ perks up over Toby's shoulder, turning the moppy haired man to face him. "What was that all about? Who are they?" He asked while upturning his mask. "They're the love of my life. Sadly, they have no idea."

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