Katsuki Bakugo // BNHA

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[] Princy []

Moving to a whole new country with a time difference of thirteen whole hours from my original country is obviously difficult for me. I had to be careful of the time when calling my friends back home, otherwise I might wake them up to early or just miss them completely. On the bright side I am never out of new things to talk about. My classmates are an interesting bunch and with all the attention they seemed to attract, I practically have an infinite number of stories. However, my tales always seem to come back to one specific ash blond boy, Katsuki Bakugo.

Bakugo is loud and aggressive but had a softer side to him once you got to know him. Not to mention that he is undeniably hot. How can one man be both so pretty and incredibly handsome at the same time? On top of that he is strong and so damn smart. If you asked me, Katsuki Bakugo is almost the perfect package, almost. His one downside in my eyes? He is a cocky asshole who couldn't stand it when he thinks people are looking down on him and would pick fights on that assumption alone. Which is exactly what brought us to this current dilemma. Bakugo apparently heard me talking with my friends back home.

"Why the hell have you been talking about me?!"

"Why the hell are you listening to my phone calls?! They're none of your business!"

"Don't try and flip this shit around on me! It's my fucking business if whatever the hell you're saying is about me!"

"You know, it's really creepy of you to be listening in on my private conversations, especially when you can't even understand the language I'm speaking, right?"

"Oh, fuck you!"

"You wish!"

Bakugo's eyes widened only for a moment then narrowing at me again, the slightest hint of a blush dusting his cheeks. A wave of satisfaction washed over me at the sight. I had won this round and with class about to start Bakugo had no time for a proper retort. He stomped over to his seat growling out a 'This isn't over brat', and it really wasn't. I could feel his glare on me as if he was trying to burn a hole through my head. As strange as it sounds, that only served to heighten my sense of satisfaction. I love that I have the ability to completely derail Bakugo so easily.

I was expecting some form of retaliation when lunch came around. So naturally, I left the room quickly. I had expected Bakugo to buy into my game of cat and mouse and when he hadn't come to find me right away, I found myself oddly disappointed. Had he decided that I wasn't worth the effort? I refuse to admit I am annoyed though. Admitting that would mean admitting I was just as affected by him as he was by me and for some reason that felt like losing. Ok, so maybe I am just as competitive as him.

He's fucking ignoring me on purpose, I just know it! He made eye contact with me when I walked in then immediately turned his head away from me. He had rested his head in his hand and made no effort to hide his stupid smirk! He even pretended not to notice when I stopped by his desk until I placed my hand on it. "What the fuck do you want Princy?" I could feel my face heating up at that. He looked annoyingly smug as I sputtered and gawked at him. More annoyingly no one even blinked an eye because he called me princy in clearly carefully practiced English. I'm not even sure if I had even heard him right.

"If you're done acting like an idiot Princy, class is about to start" Ok I definitely heard him right. We spent the rest of the day similar to that morning, except this time I am beyond frustrated. Like that morning, I could feel his gaze burning through me. It felt different this time though, like my whole body was being set a flame, rather than my ego being stroked.

Every time I would steal a glance at him, his stupid smug face would only get smugger. What the hell was he even so smug about?! And why do I think that was somehow attractive? He has no right to make me this confused!

I gave up on trying to ignore him by the end of class and was now openly staring him down. Neither of us moved right away when class had ended. Our classmates awkwardly flittered out, some of them occasionally shooting us curious or worried looks on the way out. I was the first to break eye contact with a huff and started gathering my things.

I heard him get up and make his way over to my desk and just like he had, I pretended not to notice until he set something down on it. I glanced at it quickly, barely even paying it mind until it registered what I was looking at. He placed his phone on my desk with a google search still open. So, this is why he hadn't bought into my game, he was playing one of his own.

"Did you really spend the whole lunch period practicing saying the word princy?" I tried to tease him still unwilling to admit defeat just yet. "Have you really been calling your friends just to tell them how hot you think I am?" he teased right back, chuckling at the way I stammered at him.

Before I could utter another word, he snatched my hand into his and dragged me out of the classroom behind him. "Hey! What are you- where are we going?" "We're going on a date, Dumbass. Do you really think I'm gonna let you get away now? You're stuck with me now Princy". I sighed with a little smile, maybe losing wasn't so bad after all.

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