The Proxies

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[] Dream []

A/N y'all get a special treat, two new chapters enjoy bitches. 😘
!! NSFW !!

Its a normal Tuesday night. The four of you agreed upon book night for you proxies. You couldn't all agree upon a book to read together this time, so you are all reading a different book this time around.

You think you drew the short straw this time, because the book you're reading is horribly boring and you drag your eyes over the page like its a chore, having a mental argument with yourself that you quickly grow bored with.

You sigh softly, adjusting your sitting position on the bed, your back against the wall and knees bent up against your chest, supporting the garbage book on your knee caps your reading. You lift your eyes to glance around the room at your fellow book club members. All of them frustratingly engrossed in their own books.

You roll your eyes and glance back down to your book, eyes roaming but not absorbing the words. Your eyes begin to shut as you read, closing just a fraction too long as you begin to slip into slumber from boredom.

A couple minutes after your eyes having shut, however, you feel a dip in the bed. You open your eyes to see that Masky, Hoodie and Toby have all joined you on the bed and are looking at each other, seemingly having a silent conversation with one another. More so Masky and Toby, while Hoodie just looks in between them, as if waiting for one to say a magic word.

You speak up before one can catch on to you being awake, "Uh... guys? What's up?"

Masky and Toby freeze while Hoodie's attention snaps to you. They seem frozen in what to do next, and Masky is actually the first to snap out of it.

"Well you see... no simple way to say this, honestly... um-" he gets cut off by Hoodie.

"We all have a thing we do every book club. It slowed down when you showed up because we weren't sure how you would take it, but if you want to hear us out, and you like the idea, we would gladly include you." He says his part very matter a factly, getting straight to the point and not cutting anything out.

You take a moment to look at each expression before responding. Toby looking hesitant, but eager for what was possibly to come (heh you... sorry). Masky looking weary, as if fearful of what you would say to whatever proposition was about to be placed on the metaphorical table. Lastly, Hoodie, looking cool and collected, but its always been hard to tell how he was feeling.

"Sure, I'll hear you out. Anything is better than the book i've been reading. Its absolute garbage." You say, closing the book that was still on your knees, and tossing it to the side.

"Great... uh. So we all kinda, this might sound weird, but... we all have sex together. Like, as a group. And we want to include you, if you are... open to it?" Masky is the one that says this, looking slightly awkward as he delivers his own line.

This takes you by surprise.

They fucking do what?

"Uh... yeah. Sign me the fuck up." You reply out loud before you could stop yourself, before you can even react to the fact that you have spoken those words and they were not a thought, Toby has made his move.

Giving a small fist pump of victory before moving to pulling you forward by your legs and then sit behind you. He wraps his arms around you, securing you so that you sit back against his chest, as Masky and Hoodie move forward and take their own spots in front of you. Both slightly to each side.

Hoodie grabs the hem of your top, begining to slide it upwards as Masky asks you, "Are you sure?"


And that answer was the only thing Hoodie needed before sliding your shirt off and tossing it to the side. Taking his time to run his hands along your sides as Toby moves to play with your nipples, sticking his face in your neck and leaving soft kisses here and there. Masky maneuvers himself to kiss your mouth. Tilting your head up by your chin, and then placing his lips upon yours in a soft kiss.

Hoodie moves himself to be more centered, now in between your legs as he runs his hands down to the waistband of your pants. He looks up at your occupied self and pops the button before sliding the zipper down. You make no noise of complaint, simply moaning into the kiss you are currently occupied in before lifting a hand to help him with his current mission.

Getting your pants off was no easy task, the bed and the position you were currently in making it not any easier. But when you do finally get them off, your underwear going with them, you are left bare for the boys to see in full. With you only now realising you are the only one fully naked.

Before you can make a rebuttle though, Toby picks up his pace and starts to bite. Using his tongue to soothe the marks he leaves on your neck. Masky deepening the kiss into full frenching while moving his hand back to pull your hair and making your neck arch a little more. Opening it further to Toby's attacks.

Hoodie moved back in between your legs, having moved them open, his face before your throbbing cock. He blows a small breath on it, watching your reaction before going to town with his tongue and mouth. Making you squirm in their grasps as your pleasure begins to rise. Movement restricted, you are contained to strained moans and jittering as your orgasm approaches.

Just as you are about to reach your peak, you hear the door to the room slam open, pulling you out of your dream rudely.


It was only Jeff, seems he had practically kicked the door in, trying to find out if the four proxies of the place were having book club orgies.

He, along with you, are sorely disappointed though, as when you look around, you find that aside from the fact that they are all staring at Jeff, not a single one of them has moved.

"Get out, Jeff. Its book club Tuesday." Hoodie says, in his no nonsense tone, before he goes straight back to his book. Not paying anymore mind to the paper white teen that had almost broken his door.

"Whatever, you guys aren't doing anything interesting anyway." He shoves his hands in his pockets as he leaves. Grumbling to himself about how 'he'll catch them next time.'

You glance around after Jeff's departure to see that everyone had indeed gone back to their books, you give another sigh before glancing down at the book still balanced on your knees. Subjecting yourself to the mind numbing pages for the next however long you have left in here.

God, you wished that dream wasn't just a dream.

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