Killua Zoldyck // HxH

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|| You'll listen to him but not me? ||
A/N: I don't watch Hunter X Hunter so Killua may not act the same but I tried.
requested by KurtTheBeautifulWeeb thank you for this. :D

"You’re doing it wrong, you'll never make your target like that." Killua called to you teasingly from the table.

You cast him a side glance, sitting casually with his drink in hand amidst the buzzing patrons of the bar, his gaze fixed on you with a smile. As usual, you had no luck in figuring out what emotion swirled in his lovely eyes. Was his expression playful? Flirtatious? Killua's voice was more mocking than anything, but you'd quickly realized that sort of behavior was the norm for him.

At least towards you. Did that make you special? Or-

"Should I show you? It's barely any fun to play when there's no competition." Killua continued, breaking your thoughts. You frowned, eyes narrowing at his cocky smile.

"No way, I don't need your charity," you responded boldly, playing back into his taunting and shoving all of your uncertain feelings aside, "Just you wait, Killua, I'm gonna become the dart master, and then you're gonna wish you were nicer."

Killua laughed, which, despite how it ruffled your pride, was entirely deserved. Dart throwing was, apparently, not your forte, and his perfect track record made the whole sport an exercise in insanity.

"At least let me fix your stance, this is painful to watch." Killua said, standing up and walking towards you.  A strange sort of embarrassment rushed through you, having little to do with your obvious lack of skill and everything to do with the undetermined energy you felt buzzing between the two of you whenever he was close.

"I'm fine." you said with perhaps a little too much awkward zeal. At the slight narrowing of his eyes, you quickly added, "Besides why would take advice from the enemy?"

Killua frowned, but leaned against the table, folding his arms behind his head with his face screwed up into an expression that screamed 'you're an idiot'. You'd have snorted in amusement at the childishness of the action, if it didn't draw so much attention to his arms. As it was, you quickly looked away, focusing entirely on adjusting your grip on the dart and sizing up the target and most certainly not on his sculpted muscles.

Deep breath in. 

You'd known each other for several weeks now, ever since you'd taken on this contract with him and a few other Hunters. 


Did he feel like there was chemistry between the two of you? Or was it all just in your head?


Sometimes the tension felt like it was going to eat you alive.

Killua laughed. You were getting worse, if that was possible.


"If you want to hit the target, you need to stand like this." a voice to your side interrupted before Killua could hurl whatever insult he undoubtedly intended your way.

You turned, startled, to see a man you didn't know, posing to show you how to stand.

"Go on, hon, try it. I bet you'll make your mark next time." he continued, smiling at you with the confidence only a man smelling of beer and cigarettes in a slightly sleazy bar could really have.

Caught off guard and unsure of what else to do, overwhelmingly aware of the eyes on your back, you mimicked his posture with your last dart in hand, sliding your foot back more and angling your hips a bit more.


"Now focus only on where you wanna hit on the target." the guy said, interrupting once again, "Keep your arm up." You did what he said, hoping it’d make him leave. "And.. Throw." he finished, guiding you until the dart stuck. Not exactly where you wanted, but a bit better than you'd previously done.

"Good job, sweetheart." the stranger said, turning his decidedly slimy smile back to you, "I'm-"

"My turn." Killua cut in bluntly and loudly, coming up behind you and stopping the stranger in his tracks. You couldn't help a sigh of relief, the awful itch of discomfort gone as soon as the guy laid eyes on Killua. Maybe it was mean, but you didn't mind his look of panic, nor the fact that he chose to walk away without any further comment after looking back and forth from you to Killua a few times.

"That was-" you began, trying to make a joke of the awkward situation, but Killua stopped you with a grin.

"Wow." he drew out with his patented heavily emphasized playful sarcasm, making you smile back, all awkwardness dissipating into butterflies, "You'll listen to him but not to me?"

I'd probably listen to anything you said. you thought with a strange amount of wistful conviction, the thought striking you particularly hard.

"Maybe if you were nicer to me I would've." you replied instead, swallowing that thought down and crossing your arms. Killua rolled his eyes, but his smile didn't falter.

"If you weren't so terrible at this game, maybe I would be nicer."

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