TNG. Worf - "What were you thinking?"

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A/N: This was requested by kalumiko425 - enjoy!

Your tricorder became to beep as you scanned the area around you. "Commander, I'm detecting lifeforms."

Riker went over to you and looked at your scans. "Humanoid?"

"I believe so," you replied, "but the magnetic field from those mountains are interfering with the readings."

Worf took out his own tricorder. "I cannot tell what species they are."

"Deanna, can you sense anything?" you asked.

Deanna paused and then said, "I sense their presence, yes. They're not too far from us."

"We should have a look," said Riker. "But make sure to stay out of sight. We don't know if these people have warp-capabilities."

You all nodded in agreement.

"Riker to Picard."

"Picard here," the captain replied.

"Captain, we've detected other lifeforms. We're going to go check them out."

"Understood. Stay safe. Picard out."

The four of you made your way towards the lifeforms, being careful to keep an eye out for anyone along the way.

"Hang on," you said as your readings began to change.

"What is it?" Riker asked.

"The interference is weaker here. I'm able to get clearer readings." You frowned.

"What do they say?" Worf asked.

"They're Romulan."

"Romulan?" Riker exclaimed. "What on Earth are the Romulans doing here?"

Deanna shook her head. "There haven't been any intelligence reports of Romulans being near this sector."

Riker pulled out his phaser. "Let's go see what they're up to."

You all took out your weapons, you and Worf taking the lead as the two security officers of the away mission.

"They're just over this hill," you said quietly.

When you rounded the top of the hill you saw a camp of sorts, only with a lot of technology.

"What is it?" Deanna asked.

"It looks like a surveillance site," Worf said angrily.

"Just what we need," Riker said with a sigh.

"We should make our presence known," Worf said. "Let them know they can't just spy on us."

You scanned the camp and shook your head. "I'm reading over fifty life-signs. We're outnumbered."

"With all that equipment, they must know we're here," Riker said. "But I'm guessing they might not know that we know they're here as well."

"I recommend returning to the ship," Deanna said.

"I agree," Riker said. "We need to report back and figure out a plan."

Just as you were all starting to turn back, something caught your eye. "Worf, look out!" you exclaimed, shoving him out of the way as a Romulan fired a weapon in his direction.

Worf stumbled back and you felt the burn of the disrupter blast hitting your side. You yelled in pain and fell to your knees.

"Y/N!" Worf exclaimed, going to you quickly.

"Riker to Enterprise, emergency beam out! Lieutenant Y/L/N is hurt."

"Stand by."

Worf gathered you in his arms and your head slumped against him as your vision went dark.

When you awoke, you were in sickbay, the bright lights making you squint.

"Y/N," Doctor Crusher said gently, "how are you feeling?"

"A bit sore," you said. "But I'm okay."

She smiled softly. "Luckily, the Romulan disruptor didn't do too much damage. You just passed out from the shock and the pain. You'll make a full recovery in a day or so."

You gave her a tired smile. "Thanks."

"There's someone who'd like to say hello," she said and stepped away from your bed.

Your brow furrowed until Worf appeared.

"Hey," you said.

"What were you thinking?" he asked.

You raised your eyebrows. "Um. I was thinking of protecting you. You're welcome."

"You could have been killed," he grumbled. "It was reckless."

You huffed out a laugh. "What? So you're the only security officer who can protect others?"

Worf frowned. "No, but if you had been killed..." He shook his head. "It would have been a great loss to the crew."

"Thanks, but I wasn't," you said flatly.

"Why did you step in front of the blast for me?"

"Because it's my job," you replied.

"You could have just shot at the Romulan or told me to move out of the way. You did not have to risk yourself for me," Worf said.

"Yeah, well, maybe it's because for some unknown reason I have feelings for you," you said before you could stop yourself. You immediately cringed when you realized what your pain-med-filled mind had just made you say.

Worf stared at you. "You... you have feelings... for me?"

You rubbed at your eyes and sighed. "Cat's out of the bag now, huh?"

"You've never said anything," he said, voice softer.

You looked at him and shrugged slightly. "I guess I didn't know how you'd react. I mean, you're my superior officer and a friend. I didn't want to ruin anything or make anything awkward."

"It will not be awkward," Worf declared.

"It won't?"

"No. Because I have feelings for you as well."

A smile spread across your face. "You do?"

"Yes," he said, almost shyly. "I am sorry for not saying anything sooner, but I am not one for expressing more... intimate feelings."

"It's okay, I understand," you said, reaching out to him.

He took your hand. "When you're feeling better, I would like to take you on a date. If that is acceptable for you."

"I would love that."

"Good." Worf kissed your knuckles gently. "For now, just focus on recovering."

"Will you stay here with me for a while?" you asked, starting to get drowsy again.

He took a seat at the edge of your bed. "I'll stay as long as you want."

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