Voy. Kathryn Janeway - "You only hear their side of the story."

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"Captain," you said pleadingly. "Please, let me explain."

Kathrine raised her hand, silencing you from speaking again. "Y/L/N, I don't want to hear you. You possibly jeopardized our chance at having an alliance with a new species. God knows we could use one."

You frowned, biting down on your lip before speaking. ""You've only heard their side of the story. You never asked for mine."

She looked at you, eyebrows raised. She sat on the couch in her ready-room and looked at you expectantly. "All right, tell me what happened. Because from their perspective, you insulted their commander while on the away mission, and refused to make up for it."

You wrung your hands together and took in a deep breath. "When Chakotay and I got down there, there were representatives who told us what to do when we got to the Commander's common room. They told us to bow slightly and thank them for their hospitality, then they took us to the common room. When we got there, we did as we were told and the commander started to ask us some questions."

The captain sighed. "Okay. When did you insult them?"

"I didn't," you said quickly. "Well, I didn't think I did. The commander asked me what I thought of their planet so far. I told him it seemed very nice and was pretty. Apparently, he doesn't like their planet being called pretty."

"So, then he asked you to apologize?"

"No. He didn't. He just kept asking us some questions, and when we tried to leave he said I had to stay and pay for my mistake."

Janeway frowned. "Pay? Pay how?"

"He wanted to keep me on the planet," you told her. "Indefinitely. I told him that wasn't possible, and he got furious."

She sighed slowly, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of that. I'll talk to the commander, tell them it was all a misunderstanding."

You nodded slightly. "I'm sorry, captain. I really didn't mean to insult them."

She offered you a smile. "It'll be fine. Don't worry about it, I'm not mad now that I know what actually happened."

You sighed in relief. "Thank you, captain."

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