Resignation Letter

Start from the beginning

"This is so soon, if I quit I need to vacate the apartment and I haven't found any house yet."

"You could move in with me, after all, I'll be married in a few weeks, then when the rent expires you could renew it and make it your apartment!" Emily suggested. It sounded like a good idea.

"When is your rent expiring?" I asked, looking up from my palms.

"Mid August!"

"That's some months from now."

"I know, Daniel is planning on buying us a house, so after our wedding, I'll move out!"

"I don't want to consume your space!" I said on second thoughts.

"You won't, I'll be more than happy to have you in my apartment! So?"

"I'll think about it!"

"What's there to think! Let me make dinner, while you think the think!" She laughed, I rolled my eyes.

I was ready for work the next morning, Daniel had picked Emily up last night and there was no one to make breakfast, maybe I'll grab something on my way there or maybe on my way back from the office since I won't be staying until nine. I sighed.

Never had I discussed quitting my job with my mom, it was better I now had a perfect reason to quit. After I give birth to Purity, I'd find another work. With my resumé, it wouldn't be hard to, I was already tired of that office, to hell with them.

I wondered what I'd tell Wesley, about his offer to help, I wasn't going to decline and wasn't going to push him to it, whatever he'd give me was more than enough, Purity had the right to his dad's money. Speaking of Purity, today was my checkup.

When I arrived at the office, I acted normal like nothing was wrong. I stuffed my resignation letter in my handbag, waiting for the slightest sign to whip it out.

I saw Harold through the glass wall, he walked into the small office I shared with Felicia, Felicia wasn't on seat but was at work.

The door closed, I knew he was inside by now. My eyes were still focused on the system.

"What happened to the wiring instructions I gave you?" He asked I looked up.

That was a perfect sign Felicia was telling the truth, that was the perfect sign he was steering towards that angle.

"What wirings?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"Gennie don't play dumb with me, we lost hundreds of millions of Naira because of you!" He yelled the latter to my face.

"Because of me? Harold when would you grow up? When would you stop blaming other people for your failures? The wirings were just as you instructed, you confirmed it before the presentation last week, the entire team approved it, so what are you saying now? Why don't you deal with yourself that your designs couldn't beat the other companies!" I yelled as well. It was a good thing the glass wall had soundproofed our voices.

"So you really can run your mouth! You think work is all about putting on fancy dresses,getting the male employees to stare and getting flowers like you're a beauty queen.."

"Is that what your problem is?" The realization hit me. Harold was jealous.

So that was his problem with me, my sudden change of looks and the flowers on Valentine's day two! This is the face I wanted him to be in.

"No, I don't have any problems with that, the only problem I have in this office is you, and I'm solving it right now,  you're fired!"

I laughed, he gaped at me, he was shocked at how I was very comfortable with the news.

"Harold, I wonder who gave you a company to manage, you're incompetent, firing an employee because of your personal issues, shame on you! You're the worst case of a man. You can't fire me because I quit!"

He grabbed my arm, his face burning with rage, as his eyes snagged mine, his face softened, his rage seemed to dissolved as a sandcastle washed on the shore.

"You can have back your job, just one-night baby and you have back your job!"

"I rather get lain by a frog!"

A frog? Where did that come from, yikes! But yeah, a frog ten more times than Harold! I jerked off my arm.

"You and your stupid pride, your pride would go off the minutes you're in debts, you'll definitely come running back to me for sure!"

"Trust me, that would be the very last option! Excuse me!" I smirked and the expression on his face was one to be remembered.

I took my resignation letter and headed towards Taye's office with the full assurance I was doing the right thing.


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