We planned to celebrate Noel's birthday in the afternoon as it will be sort of beach party then later at night we will have dinner with everyone where we are going to announce our pregnancy.

"I don't want anything that will take the spotlight away from my Noey." I frown, "It is his special day and only he should get all the attention."

"We'll figure that out later, Cupcake." He turns me to him, "But first we need to talk about something that is really important." He gives a small smile, squeezing my shoulders.

"Yeah, I promise I will listen to what happened at Dina's house-" Placing a finger on my lips, he stops me from talking and shakes his head.

"This is important." He points between us, "Not her, or anyone else. Our relation comes first, then our family, only after that rest of the things come."

"So, we are not going to talk about anything else." He smiles, "Because first, we need to talk about us."


Clasping my hands in my lap, I chew the corner of my lip anxiously.

"You know what is your biggest problem?" Nathan asks as his eyes roam around my face, "You think a lot. However, you don't share what is going on in your mind."

"Just take now, for example, you are being anxious for no reason." He softly smiles, "I am your husband, you should feel free to talk to me about anything that is bothering you or how you are feeling without even me forcing you to talk. But what you do? You just keep it all inside your head."

"I do talk to you, Nathan," I say defensively.

"Yes, you do." He nods his head, "You talk to me, but you hardly share your feelings with me."

"I want you to talk to me what is going inside your mind. If you will not tell me then how am I going to understand what is going on?" He sighs, "You keep things bottled up inside you then a point comes when you just explode. And I don't understand how to react, because I don't even know how or when you have reached that point."

"If there is anything which you think I am doing wrong or I am lacking somewhere, you should just say. Instead of waiting for me to miraculously realize my mistake. Because when I don't even know what the problem is then how am I going to correct myself?" He shrugs.

"You had issues with my working schedule, honestly tell me, had you ever talk about it to me before that day?" He looks at me pointedly, "Have you ever told me, that 'Nathan, I am not happy with your work routine', have you?"

Lowering my head, I shake my head in no. Because it is true, I have never mentioned it to him that with him being away for work things are becoming difficult for me to handle.

"You concluded your own solution to the problem, the problem which I wasn't even aware of, that we should take a break because for some stupid reason you thought that you are not important to me anymore." He rolls his eyes.

"But you were so busy, and you hardly gave any time to our family and me. So, what else should I have thought?" I try to justify myself, "You don't know how to balance things when it comes to family and work. You just carry away with your work so much you don't even realize your personal life is being affected by it."

"I know that, and I am working on it. But I need your support to guide me when I am doing something wrong. Just like I try to help you when I watch you are struggling somewhere." He holds my hand.

"Why are you only pointing out my mistakes?" I narrow my eyes at him, "You are not a saint either. When you are angry you become an ass."

"Ass?" His face scrunches up in confusion.

It's Complicated 2 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now