Chapter: 4

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The next morning when I wake up Nathan has already left for work.

After breakfast, I try to complete whatever is on today's agenda. By afternoon I have finished most of today's work. Even though Nathan hasn't called yet, but almost every hour I am getting sorry notes from him with a single rose.

He annoys me then does something like this which makes it difficult to stay angry at him. I know when he gets angry he sometimes tends to say some hurtful things without even realizing. But the moment he realizes his mistake, he does everything to ask for forgiveness.

Picking up the phone, I decide to call him. However, even before I can call him my phone starts to ring showing Natalie's name.

"Hey!" I answer the phone.

"Hi, I hope I am not disturbing you," Natalie says, making me frown as she has never asked such a question before.

"No," I reply, "Is everything alright, Li?"

"Yeah, everything is perfectly fine." She tries to sound convincing but fails, or maybe it is that I know her too well to pick that something is bothering her.

"I just wanted to talk to you, I don't know just felt like talking." She sighs, confirming my suspicion that there is something by which she is troubled.

"Ryan, doing well?" I ask, trying to figure out what has caused her to worry.

"Oh, yeah, he is fine. He is such a beautiful boy. Always smiling, always happy." The loving and gentle tone of her voice brings a smile to my face.

"What's the matter, Li? I can feel you are bothered by something," I ask softly, hoping that she will share with me her worry.

"Let's meet-"

"I will be at your place in one hour." I interrupt her making her laugh which brings some relief to my heart.

"I will be waiting for you with all the unhealthy food." She laughs, and after talking some nonsense we hang up.

When I call Nathan, he doesn't answer and the call is directed towards his voicemail. After trying a few more times, I leave him a voicemail informing that I am going to Natalie's house.

Pulling my car in the driveway of the quaint looking two-story house, I cut off my engine.

A few months back Natalie and Miles got married and moved into this house which they have bought a year back. They wanted to buy a house which is cozy and not very big. And this house fits perfectly with their demand. Natalie wanted to remodel the house all by herself and she did a fantastic job.

I even joked that she has finally put her interior designing degree to some good use.

Unbuckling the little Knight from his seat, I carry him to the front door. But before I can ring the doorbell, Natalie opens the door welcoming us with her usual big smile... and yeah, Noel disappears from my arms.

Closing the door behind, I follow the duo inside the house. Ryan grins widely and leaves chewing the corner of his bouncer and starts crawling towards me. It takes everything in me not to sweep him up in my arms as I wait for him to reach me.

In a few days, he is turning one. Now he can stand on his own and even he can walk with support. But he is a fast crawler and I am a proud Godmother.

Leaning down, I clap my hands motioning him to come forward.

"Good boy." Picking him up, I give him a big hug and smack his chubby cheek as he giggles loudly.

While Natalie is putting both of the boys for a nap, I make two cups of coffee.

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