Let her throw her life away then

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Jughead pov

"Are you sure you aren't being to harsh in her?" Sweetpea asks

Once betty has arrived at home yesterday we had a talk with Juls and she didn't have much to say so we both decided to just leave it because she's obviously not gonna tell us her private life

Me and Betts went through all her room and confiscated everything that's harmful or just disgusting.

All the alcohol, all the weed, all the drugs, all her money.

We went through her phone and deleted all the dealers numbers she had and all the inappropriate shit which there was a lot of, Betty went through her photos as I didn't want to see any nudes and shit.

I'm at the bar right now sorting out paper work. I brought juliet and Brooklyn with me because betty was stressing about being home with them all as she's having a bad day.

"Absolutely not" I frown

"Hmmm" he says rolling her eyes

"Sweets the rules and restrictions I put in place are necessary" I say looking over at Juls who is just sitting on the couch in the corner bored with Sophia on her phone and Brooklyn is running around dancing

"whats the rules" Toni asks laughing

"she's not got a door, her window locks and I have the key but she has a vent she can open to still get air, her phone and room get surprise inspections regularly, if I let her out to the corner shop for candy or something she has to be back in twenty minutes maximum, and when she's allowed to meet friends again as soon as she steps through the front door, I will take her jacket and check her pockets, I will check her eyes and jaw, I will literally breathalyse her, she babysits for lunch until bedtime one night a week for two months and if she disobeys the rules I add another week to her sentence" I say and they all look at me like I'm a psycho

"what does betty think of this new restrictions" fangs asks smirking

"She says I'm over protective and she agrees with my decisions but she said they could be a bit less strict like no she's a little kid she's not getting off the hook" I tell them

"she's not a little kid anymore jug" Cheryl sighs

"Why does everyone keep saying that? She is, she always will be a little kid until she's 18 then she can do what ever the fuck she wants" I say getting mad

"jug we understand you don't want to let her go but she can't be like fifteen and still having to cover up every inch of her skin with clothes or not be allowed to wear makeup and not be allowed to go party and have boyfriends" Toni says

Why does everyone keep bringing up Party's and boyfriend, explicit clothing and makeup and stuff! She will never need makeup because she's beautiful with or without

"You know what, you guys aren't helping I'm just trying to keep my daughter from turning into a slut who just drinks and fucks people all day" I let all my steam out then storm up to the office, which is opposite the apartment

I flop down onto the couch, and let out a big sigh

I spring up and push everything off the desk in anger

Then I start to grab and throw everything

Soon enough the whole room is trashed, I'm now sitting on my desk chair with my bed in my hands leaning on the desk just in silence

The door burst open

"Woah messy" I hear a little voice say

I look up to the the twins standing there with big grinning smiles

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now