Bit jelous

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Betty pov

I'm about 4.5 months along now Ashley has turned two and she has an amazing birthday full of fun.

I think it has just really sunk in that there is gonna be a baby in the house. Jug is trying to keep me rested as much as possible as there is a high miscarriage rate from what happened with the twins. So he's instructed that I shouldn't carry anything heavy and that means I can't pick up any of the twins or if Brooke hurts herself I can't comfort her properly which is gonna be hard as this house is dramatic

Jug is coming home from pops in about half an hour, he was talking to pop about me getting a job at the counter as I won't need to do much and he's almost picking up supper

"Girls can you help get everything set for supper!" I shout upstairs because I'm pretty sure they are all in Juliet's room having some quiet time, soon I hear thumping down the stairs

"Brooklyn can you set our place mats and coasters, Juliet set out plates and cutlery, and can you two go get the red sauce and the brown sauce" I ask them all I was meaning ketchup and bbq by they do it by colour I realise Riley is a bit down which is concerning, I'm going to wait until after supper so me and jug can talk to the twins at the same time

"I'm home" I hear

"Hiya girls I have food" he adds walking into the he kitchen everyone is excited

"How you doing gorgeous" he asks kissing me

"I'm doing great, they all went upstairs for quiet time which gave me the chance to clean up a bit" I say

"Chicken nuggets for Brooke, some fries for the twins, burger with small fries for juls, burger with medium fries for each of me and mommy" Jughead says plating everything up

"I didn't get anyone coke because its a bit to sugary and I'm wanting a nice quiet night" Jughead says and they nod

"So in the pantry there's black currant or orange squash" I ask

They all say black currant

"Mmmm I love nuggets" Brooklyn gushes

"I'm glad your happy" Jughead laughs

"since the twins have like so much followers and are kinda like famous right now can you maybe post a picture of me with them then tag me in it so I can get more followers" Juliet asks

"Ye sure and I can link our tiktok in their bio" I say

We are all cleaned up and it's about 7 now, Juliet is in the bathroom while Brooklyn showers and the twins are in their pjs

"Hey ryry whats up your sad" I say and jug picks her up we take her to the couch, me and jug sit side my side but we are turned into facing eachother a bit and Riley is on jugs lap

"What's the matter?"jug asks

"The baby" she cries

"What do you mean" I ask softly kinda worried

"Baby is mo special " she cries

"Aww darlin" I sigh and take her into my arms ass she lets out high pitched scream cries

"Baby is love more than me" she continues I cradle her while she cries into my neck

"Ryry listen to us please" jug says and she calms down a bit but still caught her from tears

"A baby is a big change in ours and your life and they will need a bit more attention but we would never love them more than you, we love you and your sister all the same also I get why your a bit jelous, I was the baby of my family then I git a sister"jug rubs her back

"You won't play with me" she asks sadly

"no we will but as I said a baby can't do anything on its own so it will need more help than you, mommy needs to feed them milk every two hours and it will sleep most of time and only need snuggles because it can't play until it's older" I sigh smoothing her hair

"I need snuggles to" she cries

"We will both have time to snuggle you and your sisters but your a big girl now and baby is only little so you have to help us with them" Jughead says

"no" she pouts

"Baby you have to listen, we love you so much and we will still do things with you but I can't lift you anymore and after baby is born I'm gonna be in pain for a while and I will need lots of snuggles and I will always snuggle with you aswell as baby and daddy" I say

"And sisters?" She asks

"Yea I will snuggle with them aswell but they don't always want to but I know you always will and that's so sweet" I say and hug her

"So when the baby comes home we will still love you and pay attention to you but you have to help us with the baby aswell" jug says and she sniffs while nodding

"Are you still a bit jelous" I ask and she nods

"Well there's no need to be, we love you" jug says and we group hug

"Lets all go watch a movie I'm craving popcorn" I say and Riley nods I go to pick her up

"eh eh eh no" jug says and takes her instead

All six of us had a nice quiet night

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant