This wasnt as easy as it looks

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Jughead pov
I woke up to betty burning up like hell but she was still sound asleep, I lightly shake her awake and she slowly opens her eyes while groaning
"Morning baby, you feeling okay your burning up like hell" I say feeling her forehead again
"I don't feel to good, what time is it" she asks cuddling up to me
"It's 6:00AM" I say
She shoots up
"Shit I'm meant to be up and showered by now, you have work today aswell we are late" she rambles on
"Hey hey, slow down Betts, your not leaving this bed until you want to okay? I will get the girls up and ready for school and will drop the twins at my dads as he wants to take them to the zoo today" I say sympatheticly
"Are you sure juggie I can handle a tummy bug" I say
"No worries babe you go back to sleep I have this all under control" I say and kiss her head before heading to the en-suite for a quick shower

While I was making some coffee the morning routine finally started
"MAMAMAMA" I hear the twins shouting
I run upstairs into their rooms to see them standing in their cribs with dummy's in mouths and blankets in their hands and REALLY messy hair
"Good morning girls" I chuckle and pick them up and place them on my hips I put their blankets in their cribs and their dummy's on the dresser as they have different ones for the day time
"Whe mama?"Riley asks
"She's not felling well baby it's me who is taking you to grandpas house today, he want to take you to a zoo to see different animals, now what does the elephant say" I ask them while explaining
"Brrrrrr" they both make a sound and immediately burst into losses of cute giggles
I sit them in their high chairs with some chocolate milk in silly cups and a cut up Pancake right size for them to eat also some cut up strawberries I also put Mikey mouse on the kitchen tv
I take a sip of my coffee and a bite out my banana before running upstairs to Juliet's room
"Juls is morning, can you get dressed please we are running a bit late, breakfast is downstairs " I say rubbing her back and she groans as a reply, turn on her light and close the door
Now I gotta wake up Brooke
"Brooklyn baby, it's morning time, can you get dressed please we are running a bit late so if you need help just as Juliet" I say and turn her light on and leave her door bit open how she likes it
I run downstairs to make sure the twins haven't made a mess, to see lily making a total mess she has thrown her cup across the room which splattered all over the wall and her plate is on the floor meanwhile Riley in a total other world watching mikey mouse
"LILY! Bad girl! I just watched you tip your plate on the floor, we do not do that we keep in on our tray on our highchair, let's go on time out" I say and she just looks at me and wines when I pick her up and put her on the step. I don't have time to clean ughhhhhhh
I hurry and make a ham sandwich, put some ready salted chips, a juice box and a apple in Brooklyn's lunch box and but it next to her school bag at the front door, I lay out $3 for Juliet to get her lunch by the time I have done this then two are down stairs eating their pancakes and fruit
"Okay girls I can only do a pony tail or a simple braid" I say to them with a brush in my hand
"Pony tail" Brooklyn says tired
"I straightened my hair I will keep it down thanks" Juliet says before running up stairs which I presume to go brush her teeth as she leaves in 10 mins to get the bus as it's cheryls turn but she can't today so Juliet and Sophia are taking the bus
"Dad I don't want to go to school today" Brooklyn says sad oh no is this a mental breakdown? Emm I don't deal with this morning Shit
"Why not honey" I say brushing the knots out
"I think nobody likes me, I can't to things and I get angry" she sobs, does this call for a mental health day? Is that a thing?
"Awwww darling I think people do like you, you just think they don't but they do because who wouldn't want to be your friend your sooo cool and I know it's really annoying that you get angry when you don't want to but that's who you are that's your disorder okay your amazinh for being you and we all love you oaky" I say hugging her and kissing her cheeks
"Thank you daddy" she still has tears
"Sooo.... I think you need some cheering up, I can call grandpa and ask if he would be able to take another little explorer to the wild zoo to see all the animals, does that sound good" I ask her she smiles so big and squeals and hugs me
"Oaky so let's finish your breakfast and brush your teeth so you can watch a movie while waiting your grandpa to pick yous me the twins up" I say and she continues to scoff down her food I just chuckle
I take Riley out from her high chair and lily from the step
"Okay girls run as fast as you can to your room ready 3...2...1.. go" I say and they go up the stairs at a adults normal pace
"Come on Brooke lets go brush your teeth" I say and she runs past the twins as they are super slow I decide to swoop them up and they giggle I jog to their room and lay them on the floor
"Right girls I don't know what to dress you in let's see" I say looking I'm all the drawers

Betty managed to get dressed in joggers and my jumper and head downstairs and lye on the couch

All three of the kids are dressed (with the help of Betty picking out clothes)and ready to go I take some photos

Brooklyn only lets her 'photographer' to take photos so I had to wait until my dad came "I'm here!" He says walking in "Hey dad in the living room" I shout "Papa FP!" Brooklyn runs up to him "Hey girl we are gonna have the best zoo day ever let's ...

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Brooklyn only lets her 'photographer' to take photos so I had to wait until my dad came
"I'm here!" He says walking in
"Hey dad in the living room" I shout
"Papa FP!" Brooklyn runs up to him
"Hey girl we are gonna have the best zoo day ever let's go get your sisters" he says
And walks into the living room and sit in the other couch while I'm in the floor getting on the twins' shoes which is a challenge
"Hey Betts hope you feel better soon" he says giving a sympathetic look
"Thanks, probably caught it from someone at the kids school or something" she says in a raspy voice
"Jug you really impressed me by doing the morning routine all on your own" fp says
"Me too to be honest I though I was gonna have to actually do something but I only had to sit here and approve on the outfits" Betty says smiling
"Thanks but this isn't as easy as it looks" I reply giving my dad the peppa pig bag which has the stuff for twins also Brooklyn's medication
"Bye girls have lots of fun" betty says kissing their heads
"You be better when I'm home?" Riley asks
"Mommy's a bit sick right now but she's okay so let's go to the zoo" My dad says trying not to stall anymore
"Bye!" I shout
"Wait before we leave the house will my photographer take a photo of me for your Instagram" Brooklyn asks
"Yes I will take a photo and post in on my Instagram but why don't we do it outside" fp says and we all laugh before they head out

"Now it's just me, my beautiful fiancé and some movies calling out names" Betty says and we both cuddle up on the sofa with a duvet and drift off for a couple hours

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant