Welcome to our home rose

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Sophia pov

"I'm so nervous juls, what if they don't like her" I freak out in the toilets before last period
"It's gonna be fine sophs, they are gonna love her and if they aren't sure at first they will grow to loved her because they want to make you happy" she comforts me
"How is tonight planned out anyway I'm sort of confused" she adds
"Well rose is in our next class and we are taking the bus home because I don't want them to fort meet her in the car and then we are going straight to mine to hang out and have supper" I explain
"That sounds amazing, it's gonna be fun, now relax dose so cool she's gonna fit right in" Juliet says and we start walking to history
"Are you taking the bus?" I ask hopefully she says yes
"No I'm getting picked up I have to go to the worm, which isn't bad but I gotta go and get little miss bossy boots and stand outside waiting with her for a while 10 minutes" she complains I laugh
Before I could answer
"Hey juls"Rhys comes and walks with us
Rhys is Juliet's little crush they get in and see really close, they are top of eachother as bestfriend list in snapchat
"Hey Wolfe" she giggles
I gag

**ring ring**
That's the bell me and rose walk over the bus then sit next to eachother, we are just laughing at videos on insta the whole way home
"This is our stop" I say and we step off the bus
"Wow you have a lovely house" rose says
"Thank you, it's got a long history tho" I say
I stop at the door take a less breath and go inside
"We are here!" I shout
"Finally we have been dying to meet rose" my mom Toni says as they rush through
"Can we sit in the livingroom first please let us get into the house" I huff

"Welcome to our home rose, it's a pleasure to meet you" my mom Cheryl says and we sit on couches
"It's a pleasure to meet you to miss blossom" rose says back
"You are really pretty my dear" Toni says smiling
"Thank your miss blossom" rose replies
"Please call me toni and this is Cheryl" my mom says
"Okay you two go chill out while we make some supper"

We both run upstairs
"Your parents are so nice" rose says as we sit on my bed
"Yea they are not even strict, you should meet all my aunties and uncles, they are super funny, I have so much cousins it's unbelievable" I say she smiles
"You have such a nice life, I wish I was you, my dad and brother are always away on 'special errands' it's just me and my mom,she goes out a lot tho" rose says looking down
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I say and hug her
"It's okay, I don't really like my father anyway he has always been going away and coming back.... I'm normally kinda insecure about what I'm gonna tell you but I feel confident enough... my dad and brother are in a dangerous gang" she says
"Oh.... well my parents are to but they don't go away on drug runs of anything" I say to try and make her more comfortable
"It's called the creepys or the ghoulies, something like that, what are your parents in " she says I freeze and just smile
"I knew you would get scared, I shouldn't of said anything" she says
"No no it's okay I just got a random bit of dizziness" I say
We watch some of a movie before we get called for supper

"This is some really good carbonara, thank you for inviting me over" rose says
"You are welcome anytime sweetheart, sometimes the house can be chaotic Whitt all of sophias aunties, uncles and cousins"Cheryl says
"I know sophia was telling me all about how fun they are" rose smiles
"So tell us a bit about you" Toni asks
"Well my name is rose Peterson, I'm 11 and I love all things art" she replies
"Well actually my name is rose Peabody-" she adds
My moms mouths drop wide open
"But I don't like that name as my auntie wasn't a nice women so I changed it to my moms also name" rose says not noticing my moms' expression, I am actually gob smacked IM DATING PENNYS NEICE !!
"Oh that not good, so your into art?" Toni asks
"Yes mainly realistic drawings"

We all spent the night talking about eachother and school and stuff
"Do you need us to take your home?" One of my moms ask
"Emm no it's okay I don't want to go through any trouble, I can just call my mom" rose says
"It's totally okay darling we can just drive you hone" one of them say
"Okay thank you" rose says

I'm in my kitchen having some toast before bed
"We really like her, she is so sweet but she is related to penny which is quite bad"mama T says
"Yea I know it is but she's nothing like penny there things you don't know about her" I say
"What do you mean, please tell us" mama C asks concerned
"She told me this out of trust but I have to tell yous promise me you will keep it a secret.. her brother and dad are in the ghoulies and are always away on drug runs but she wants nothing to do with the whole gang thing, She doesn't know we are serpents, her mom is usually out so she is normally alone and stuff" I explain and they look kinda sad
"That is such a shame, invite her over more and she can meet the rest of us, liek a second family" mama t says
"I know babes, we need to tell the rest of the crew about her being a sister to a ghoulie because you are in a relationship with her and we are serpents" mama c says calmly
"No mom please! Uncle sweets and fangs and uncle jug will get really mad at me! I HATE THE STUPIS GANGS I WISH I WASNT BORN INTO ONE!" I cry and shout before running into my bedroom and locking myself in

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now