Your drunk baby (drama part 2)

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Pizza has arrived Veronica and Betty are away to get the little ones from nap time we all dog in and talk while music is playing in the  background
"Daddy!" Lily runs through in her pull
"Oi go get clothes in misses" I say
"She did they lasted until the stairs" Betty says carrying a half naked Riley aswell
"Well I see we got new strippers for the worm" Sophia says
"Yep but hey it's us then Brooklyn then the twins and Ashley" Juliet says
"Wait a minute hell to the no no daughter of mine will be stripping in any bar at any point in her life, I thought i made that clear when I told you the rules for when you go to high school" I scold protectively
"I'm with the protective dad in this one your not stripping Sophia end of" Toni says
"I kinda want to hear the rules of high school" sweet pea laughs
"Ugh I hear it all the time I could recite it without a note" Juliet says
"Go ok then show them how you listen to your father" I say
"1- no looking at boys 2- no speaking to boys 3- no physical contact with boys 4- no dating boys 5- keep your clothes in at all times 6- don't let any boys persuade you into anything stupid like hugging, kissing, only have friends who are girls, only study, no skipping class, don't be late and the main thing no sexual activity" Juliet says and they all giggle at how she is saying it so blandly but she forgot something
"What are the 7 B's" I ask her
"Books before boys because boys bring babies" she says everyone bursts out laughing
"Someone should of told your mom about the 7 B's because she clearly didn't get the memo" fangs says and everyone laughs so much
"Alcohol anyone?" Betty asks
"It's the girls turn to get wasted"
"Hmmm how about a yes"
"Babe are you sure you should be drinking? You have been sick lately" I ask
"Oh it's fine I can handle it" she says
"Yep you said that last time before passing out drunk on the stairs almost like dying" I say
"It's all good I'm just gotta have one vodka coke, I always stick to my word"she says

She didn't stick to her word, B ask V are nearly away to pass out while Cheryl and Toni went up to the spare bedroom eww
"Okay right older kids! Can you guys take the younger ones to brush their teeth and get in their jammies and tuck them into their beds or blow up beds please the job is easier as Regis and Jughead will put the littler ones down" fangs says over the music
"Fine then but Cole still isn't back" Toby says
"He's staying the night at his mates house to cool down" reggie reply's

"Come on girls let's lie down and try again, I had read you a story and the night light is on, goodnight love you" I say and the nod and close their eyes FINALLY
"Ash was down like 10 mins ago dude you gotta up your game" reggie says from across the room
"I got two dude" I reply and peek into Brooklyn's room and the younger ones are all lying in their beds having a little chat which is fine and then in Juliet's room the  older ones are sitting around doing make up or whatever, Tonys gay so I'm fine with him on an air bed in my daughters room

"Dudes your girls are out of control" sweet pea says to us as we walk back to the living room
"Juggie *hiccup* the room is spinning and I'm seeing lights" betty falls in my arms slurring and smiling like a dork
"Your drunk baby" I say and making sure she can stand
"Woohooo v let's partayy" she stumbles to v and they dance around and stuff
"Man they are not good, they gonna be dying tomorrow" fangs laughs
"Yea bros they gonna be blacked out in minutes" sweet pea tells us
"Yea no need to remind us, you know sometimes they need to loosen up a bit they have 4 and 5 children" reggie says
Suddenly the door opens
"Dad what you doing here?" I say
"Came to check in since both the kids are at sleepovers and Gladys and jb are away back to New York for a while" he says looking weirded out at Kevin dancing with two drunk moms
"Hey fp"Betty stumbles over to him and hugs him but she looses balance but he catches her
"Hey there Betts you good?" He asks laughing
"Yep I'm fine just having fun because I no longer have any babies" she says and lots then stumbles back to v
"Don't ask" I say
"Oh looks like the other mom is pout of it aswell" he says laughing and sitting down
"Ye I wouldn't ask" reggie says
We head snoring and Veronica is our cold on the floor
"I want to go see my two babies, let's go Kev"Betty says and they start to stumble away
"Betty no they are sleeping" I say
"I don't care they want to come down" she says ignoring me
"Elizabeth Marie Cooper, don't you dare go upstairs and wake them they are sleeping. you either stay downstairs where we can all see you or go up to bed" I say, she then pulls her tube too a little bit down and gets a hair tye and our her lovely long beach waves into a messy bun
"Fine then I will be waiting don't be long you know I don't like to wait" she says and winks the stumbles away
Everyone looks at me awkward and wide eyes
"Emmm is that jug happened" Kevin says and everyone chuckles
"Right so drunk Betty is a bit different from the normal Betty, but one thing I know is that she won't make it up the stairs she can't work a stair gate drunk" I say and smile
"So you getting it tonight or nah?" Fangs says
"Absolutely not she's drunk that would be so wrong and no because she will be passed out before she gets to bed" I laugh
"I might not be but that bedsheets in one of the spare rooms is definitely gonna need to be cleaned" I add
" fangs I'm away to you sleep, don't be to long" Kevin says and winks Fangs blushes
"Ooooo" sweet pea says
"Emm jug Betty is on the floor kitchen counter" Kevin says
"Okay... WHAT!" I say and rush into the kitchen to se my girlfriend on the kitchen counter trying to get into the alcohol cupboard
"Emm young lady what do you think your doing" I ask her furiously
"I'm getting juice" she slurs smiling
"Okay betty lets get you down from there before you hurt yourself" my dad says
"Okay but I need my juice first" she slurs falling back a bit I rush over
"No hun you leave the juice up there and just come down please" I say
"No I want to get you hammered so we can make another baby" she is totally in her own world
They all kinda chuckle behind me
"Well if you come down and I can help you to bed and we will talk about it in the morning okay hun" I say trying to grab her hand
"Yay morning sex that almost my favourite but kinky is my favourite" she slurs and they all burst out laughing beyond me and I just blush from embarrassment
"Okay that enough talking for one night, that's it take my hand... there you go" I safely lifted her down and pulled up her tube top as it was literally almost gone be a skirt it was that far down and I didn't like my dad or my best friends seeing her boobs
"Okay you guys can you start to clean up while I sit her out" I say holding her up
"Yea I will get v to her bed aswell" reggie says

"No betty stop taking your shirt off you have to sleep with a shirt on" I say and she pouts like a child
"I'm sorry but if you end up coming down I don't want my dad and our mates seeing things that are only for me and sometimes Riley but that's unrelated okay" I say soothing her hair and laying her back
"I love you buggie" she says messing up my nick name
"Love you to bub" I say and kiss her head and run downstairs

"See you two didn't fall for any of their tricks" my dad says
"What tricka" I ask
"The way they seduce you when their are drunk is a total new level" he says
"Oh my god dad just stop please" I say and laugh
"Serpent meeting?" Sweetpea asks
"We can't fangs sneaked away and him and kevin are having fun I guess" reggie says
"Veronica was fine she was half asleep anyway she jsut Mohamed when I undressed her and into her pjs" Reggie says
"Well it was hard for me aswell at least I didn't give in, she wouldn't keep her shirt on I was like I don't want you coming down and my dad seeing you naked, I couldn't even manage to get her to keep her shorts on good thing my shirt covers everything or if she decides to come down that would be bad as fuck for me as I can't control myself these days and it's bad for you because she's mine and you guys can't have her" I say
"Ugh you young people are so horny these days" my dad says
"Oh my god dad stop that just not okay for you to say" I tell him
"I went to see Josie the other day" sweet pea says
"Oh yea how she doing?" Fangs asks Sweets starts to tear up
"Emm so she mayched the date up wrong and the baby isn't mine it's archies " he says starting to let tears fall but wipes them away
"Oh my god man I'm so sorry" I say and bro hug him
"Sweets I don't know what to say I am devastated about this news" my dad says
"Ima  milk that Andrews boy" fangs says
"I was actually kinda excited I thought I was finally gonna have something to take care of and cherish for the rest of my life but it was all a bit lie" he says voice breaking
"I knew my Brooke senses were tingling what's wrong pea" Brooklyn runs into his lap
"Brooklyn your meant to be sleeping by now long ago" I say stern
"I was but my pea and Brooke senses were tingling, uncle pea is upset why are you crying" she asks In him lap hugging him
"Well Josie is having a baby and she told me it was my baby I was gonna be a daddy but she got it wrong and arch is the daddy" he explained not caring she's 6 and he doesn't need to give in to her confort
"I'm gonna kill that man" she says making her evil face
"Eh eh what did I say about you wanting to kill people?" Pea asks
"Not to tell anyone about it" she recited
"You look funny without your teeth my monkey" he says hugging her and she wipes away his tears
"That was so touching" fangs says
"Bond between a neice and a uncle" Reggie adds
"Without her teeth what in his name do you mean" my dad asks
"I fell off the trampoline and knocked out my teeth" Brooklyn smiles
"Right let's get you to bed misses" I say
"Uncle pea do it I make him better" she says and they leave
"Hey betty" I hear Sweetpea say
What the fuck, I hear stumbles
"Wait babe do you have shorts and a shirt on" I say
"Yes" she replies And stumbles in
Ughh great
"Right guys I'm ahead out she obviously isn't gonna stay in her bed" I say catching her before she falls
  Fp pov
"Okay night you two" I reply
Betty looks round at us and winks we and Sweetpea laugh
"She's hilarious, he's definitely gonna give in isn't he" sweetpea says
"Definitely" I reply
We just talk and fall asleep on the couches

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora