Happy birthday twinnies

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Betty pov

I'm now three months pregnant, we have been back home for about one and a half months. It's the twins 3rd birthday today and they were so excited yesterday they couldn't sleep

"WAKE UP ITS OUR BIRTHDAY" lily and Riley come bathing through our bedroom door and try jumping up on our bed

"Good morning birthday girls" Jughead says and lifts them up

"Can we open presents now" lily asks

"Let's have some breakfast as a family first and then you can open them" I say and we cuddle for a bit then go downstairs and see birthday banners and balloons everywhere me and jug are confused until we walk into the kitchen and see pancakes, fruit and and drench toast with glitter sprinkles around the table. Juliet and Brooklyn have party hats on and are standing around the table

"Wow girls this is amazing" I gasp

"We knew you two were stressed because of having a baby at such a wrong time so we wanted to do something nice" Juliet says and we sit down and dig in

"This glitter taste is my favourite" Riley says shoving a hand full on glitter into her mouth

"no no Riley the glitter isn't for eating it's bad" Jughead says stoping her and we all chuckle

"I can't wait until they open their presents" Brooklyn smiles

"I want to open our baby dolls now" lily pouts

"What do you mean open your dolls, how do you guys know yous are getting a doll" Jughead asks shrugging trying to make them guess

"Brooke told me" lily says and me and jug look at Brooklyn smiling

"I only told them that one" she says

"What have me said about you spoiling surprises? How do you even know" I ask

"I seen them" she shrugs

They are now opening their presents

"Look it's a baby" Riley said sweetly

"Yea, as you girl are gonna be big sisters we go yous your own baby dolls" I say

They open the rest of them and are playing with their favourites while me and jug clean up

"Brooklyn can you come up here please" jug shouts and she comes through

"Yes daddy?" She asks

"How much presents did you spoil" he asks and she thinks

"Only the one I swear" she says

"And how did you know" he asks again

"I saw it" she says

"Okay then you can go now" he says sighing and she skips away

"She's lying, she does a weird thing with her eyebrows, they twitch when she lies" Jughead says

"The gifts were in the storage room" I say

We have a storage room in the back with a big massive locker kinda thing and I think she saw the password for the lock and got in

"We will ask her more about it later we have to meet everyone at my dads for their surprise party" Jughead says and we go and get everyone ready

"Juliet you can take your phone, Brooke you can take your iPad for later on and girls you can take one of your new toys" I tell them

I didn't take any pictures at home as we were running out of time and I was sad

We walk into fps house and go to the back ward

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now