Run away and hormones (filler chapter)

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Jughead pov

It has been hard  not having Juls with us and knowing she's in a place where she can't each us and she's alone. I personally don't think she should be in there, she wasn't the only one in the wrong bit I guess she's gonna have to deal with it, it's not like she's missing anything as we are all stuck inside but if she's in there for Long, she might miss the birth of her baby sibling and I know she was really excited to meet them and also this will go on her record permanently!

"Jug can you please help me" I hear from the bedroom

"Yea what's up" I ask

"Can you help me get my sweatpants on and my socks because I can't reach" she asks shyly

"Yea babe don't be shy to ask, I'm your soon to be husband and I have also got you dressed and undressed when your drunk" I laugh realising she doesn't have any underwear on

"no it's just because I'm really big, bigger than I have ever been, and it's killing me" she says sighing

"Don't worry, I don't care what you look like, you look beautiful either way" I say kissing her stomach all over

"I want to kiss baby" riley says running in, I slow her down before she can jump on betty

"Remember no jumping, we have to be  I say and she nods and kisses the bump with her hands on it aswell, I snap a picture and Betty smiles and puts her arm around Riley

"Where's your sisters hunny, it's to quiet" betty asks

"They say not to tell so I won't" she replies sweetly

"Ryry you can to tell us because you just have it away"I chuckle and she is confused

"They at papa" she says shrugging

"What? They are at papas house?" Betty asks frantically

"Yes, they go out door" she replies

"I will run and get them" I sigh

"DAD! ARE-" I come in shouting and lily and Brooke sitting on the couch and my dad standing in front of them mad

"You two are in big trouble" he says

"Oh darn right they are... WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING!" I tell them off

"We wanted to come here" Brooklyn says

"You come to me or mom first if you want to come here and also remember we aren't allowed in peoples houses" I tell them mad

"But papa house not sad" lily says

Me and my dad both sigh

"I know our house isn't the same without juju but she's away right now and she might not be back for a while, me and your mom are trying so hard to not make our home boring, I know staying in our garden is really not fun but your mom is having a baby soon and she can't do much as she's really sore sometimes so it's only me that has to watch over three of you and that's not fair so I need you guys to be good girls and not run away anymore, please for me, and I promise if your good we will do something suuuuuuuper fun" I say bending down and putting a hand on each of their legs

"I'm sorry daddy, it Brooklyn idea" lily says
Me and my dad chuckle

"I'm sorry daddy" Brooklyn pouts

"It's okay girls attests your safe but never ever run away again because there is big roads and lots of cars" I say

"We use the light crossings" Brooklyn says

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now