Your perfect

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Jughead pov

"noooo my head is fun and bouncy" she smiles

"I know you a happy girl but sometimes those things can turn into darkness and you get really sad and stuff and sometimes you can do bad things" I say touching her arm and she flinches

"Daddy how do you know, don't talk about it it will make youuuuu saddd and meeee saddddd and everyoneee saddd" she says leaning into me more while sitting side ways

"You told us hunny" Veronica says sadly

"wellllll it was a mistake but now I'm gonna have to talk aboit it and it's just stupppppid" she says trying to get up but I stop her

"no don't run away from it, it's good to talk and it's not stupid, it's your mental health and that's important okay" I ask and she nods

She son my lap side says and leaning against me, her head in on my shoulder and my arms are around her rubbing her arms with my hand

"do you want to show us?" Toni asks

"no it will make people sad and mad" she says with her eyes rolling a round

"no Juls we won't be mad we will be worried and we will help you" Sophia says as her and Toby sit on the ground to see her better

She nods and pulls up her sleeves to reveal heaps of cuts some are deep some not
Everyone gasps and Betty tears up while Veronica pulls her into a hug

"ohh Juls" Cheryl sighs

"why would you do that to yourself" I ask kissing her arms then pulling her close

"Do you even see me" she begins to tear up

"Yea babe we see you" reggie says

"why do you even want to look at me" she says

"Because your beautiful lil J" fangs says

"Yea your gorgeous" I kiss her on the head and she shakes her head

"Look at my eye and nose and my eyebrow and my tattoo" she cries

"What about them Juls, your eyes are perfect, your nose is perfect, your eyebrows are ok fleek and your tattoo represents who you are at heart" Kevin says

"no one eye is more green, my nose is to small, my eyebrows are a mess because my cousin had to go and shave half it off and my Togo is just another thing to add to the mix as no one else has one because I'm not even in high school" she raised her voice and cries into my neck

"Who says all these things because you are so beautiful" I ask

"The me in my head and people around me" she says

"wait us? Girlie what did we do" Veronica  asks softly

"Not you guys, people at schoooooooool" she nods

"What do people say" betty asks

"They always talk about me and when I'm not with the serpents they corner me in the bathrooms and they always talk shit aboit me if I'm alone and they just bring my self esteem to low that I start to see myself in a different way and I manage to pick out faults that weren't there before" she cries wrapping her arms around my neck

"no baby you are absolutely stunning okay?, don't let those know life nobody's tell you any different, and for those who are targeting you just because your alone tell them that you don't care what they ahve to say and if they keep on being bitches your dad, uncles and your grandpa will be going to their doorstep and giving them a piece of our minds because you don't deserve any of that, you are perfect and I wouldn't have you any other way, your my pretty princess okay" I say playing with her hair and rocking back I and forth

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now