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Kevin pov
"DADDY NOOO!" Carter is currently making a scene in our kitchen because fangs accidentally let it slip that him and all the other kids are getting shots today as there is a special flu going around and we all decided to get our kids the vaccine as Betty was sick a few days ago but it was only a tummy bug
"I'm sorry buddy but we don't want you getting really sick" I try to reason with his so he can calm down and eat
"PLEASE NOO!" He sobs
Jake doesn't know they are getting a shot only Carter
"Im sorry but you have to, everyone else is getting them aswell so can you be a big strong boy for us please" I say hugging him and kissing his head
"I don't want it" he calms down
"We know buddy but it's better than getting sick" fangs says

We are at the meeting point which is outside the hospital waiting for everyone to come cheer and Toni are here with Sophia, then Betty and Jughead arrive with Brooke crying in jugheads arms
"I'm guessing you guys let the secret slip aswell huh" Cheryl says
"Yep" Betty says
"It wasn't a secret anyway Mom" Sophia says
"Not for you because your not little" Toni says
"I'm not little either I'm a big girl" Brooklyn says calming down
"Not as big as juliet and Sophia tho" Jughead says putting her on the ground To go see what Carter is doing on my phone
"Ughhh last again why can't be be first for once" we here Veronica complain
"Hey guys, finally decided to show up" fangs says
"Hey! We aren't late we are here on time" Veronica says laughing
"Mommy why we at hospital" Cody asks
"At least one is us didn't let it slip out, all of us did, thank god the twin have no clue what it is tho betty laughs
"Well we are here to get some shots-" reggie explains and they gasp
"No" Cody says crying
"It's so you don't get sick all the kids were getting it" he continues and all the kids flood into tears just thinking about it and Jake runs into fangs arms because he didn't know
"It hurts"
Al erupted in the air followed by cries
"HEY!" Cole shouts and everyone shits up and looks at him even us adults
"Let's make a deal, if we all go in and get our shots without any fuss and stuff we will all go get ice cream" he says
"Deal I'm hungry" Brooklyn says automatically
"Sounds like a deal to me I guess" betty says
"Tbh same" I say
"What a shot?" Lily asks innocently
"It's nothing it just stops you from getting sick that's all" Jughead says
"No get sicky" riley smiles
"Let's not get signed in" Toni says
"Hello, we would like to sigh in its, the Jones, the topaz, the mantle, and the Keller family" fangs says to the office lady
"Okay to make sure it's, Sophia, Cole, Toby, Juliet, Carter,Ethan,Cody,Brooklyn,Jake,Riley,lily and Ashley" the lady asks
"Yep that's all of us" Cheryl says
"We can fit you guys all in a massive room if you want? Or all separate but you would ahve to wait 15 mins between family's as we are fully booked" she asks we all look and nod
"One big one please" fangs asks

The room is big it has 6 examining tables ( like the bed things you sit on while getting a check up)in it and lots of floor space and like 12 chairs

"Okay get settled and a few nurses will be with you shortly" she says and we thank her
"Wait for yous all have to watch me while I'm getting a shot" Juliet asks
"Yes but it's over and down with in seconds and we will probably calming down a few melt downs" reggie laughs
"Right let's sort out groups, why don't the four older ones go first to show the littler ones it isn't scary, then the five middle age kids, and then we will do the three young ones and we will ahve to hold them probably" Veronica says
"Yea that's sounds good, maybe you two will be amazing big girls and sit on your own" Jughead says meaning to twins who are on the floor playing with Ashley, Riley looks up and shakes her head no while starting into his eyes And we all chuckle
"I'm big girl and go myself" lily says
"That's a brave girl" Toni says
"You might need to hold back the middle aged ones aswell as they are only 4,6,8 years old" I say
"No I don't need held because I'm not doing it" Brooklyn grumped
"I don't want to but I want ice cream" ethan says
"I don't want to be shouted at so I'm doing it" Cody says
"I'm still not doing it" she protests
"That's not fair why am I getting it if she isn't" carted complains to me
"Oh she is getting the shot, but she's just trying to get out of it" Jughead says
"Honey you have to get it, we don't want you to get really sick, it is over in a flash you won't even feel it, the magic thing to do it to talk to all of us and take you mind if if what the nurse is doing and you won't feel anything I promise" Betty says and Brooklyn sits on her lap
"Auntie B last time you made a promise it didn't end well" sophia says
"See, it is gonna hurt mommy, Im scared and I want uncle pea" she cries
"Don't be scared Brooke I can hold you hand and we can do it together" Ethan says
"That sounds good but daddy says no holding hands until 30" she says as I wipe her tears
"That's my girl" Jughead says
"Really are you serious? We aren't even 30 and we all have kids" i day but fangs and Reggie agree with jughead
"Brooke dads are crazy, you can hold hands you can hug boys and you can also kiss them all before you are 16 because mom and dad got together and did some disgusting adult stuff when they were 16 so it's only fair is we get to kiss boys before 16" Juliet says
"Okay that's enough juls,. Brooke don't listen to your dad and uncles they are taking nonsense, you can hold ethans hand if you want to and if it makes him feel better to" betty says
"Okay" she says

The nurse arrives and the 4 oldest ones are sitting at the end of their tables and the nurses are getting them ready
"Okay kids look at how good they do and they can show you that's it doesn't hurt that much" fangs says
"1..2..3" the nurses count down
They all Flinch a little bit keep it together
"All done who's next" one of the nurses say "and the kids all run into their mums or dads arms
Jake is on my lap, Carter on fangs,Ethan on veronica,Cody on betty, Brooklyn on toni
"Okay so it's gonna go in your right arm okay" one of the nurses say and we all decide to hold the arm still
"1...2...3" we all count down
They all flinched and has tears and some yelped
"I'm just sad Brooklyn didn't want one of her parents" Jughead says
"Same bro" Reggie says
"No cody has always loved auntie b haven't you" betty says putting him down
"Toni is brave and strong so I wanted her" Brooklyn says
"Thank you baby girl your super strong to" Toni says
"Last three, lets go so we can go get ice cream" juliet says

Crying fills the room but it was only Ashley as the twins were so into watching YouTube
"See I told you guys just distract yourself and it won't hurt" betty says

We are all at the ice cream shop and eating ice cream obviously and all head back to our own houses as it's a school night, but it's Friday tomorrow at least

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now