what are you doing here!!

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Betty pov

"AHHHHH" theres screams from outside.

Us adults rush outside and Brooke is crying histerically

"What's happened" I ask the kids

"Gr-gran-grandma- a A-A- lice" Brooke sobs trying to breath and runs to me

My stomach drops and tears spring in my eyes

"Alice drive past in a car" Cody says

I just stay silence hugging Brooklyn so close that she's making my shirt soaking wet

"are you sure it want just a different blond women?" Veronica asks

"no is was alive, she looked mean and had lines on her head" ethan says

"It's wrinkles bud" reggie chukles

"listen, she would only be in riverdale so speak to betty so I think either everyone should go home or all the kids go upstairs and stay quiet and I mean dead silent" jug says

"Me and reggie will take our kids home since they can't stay quiet for long also it's supper time and they will be hungry" Veronica says and Reggie nods

"I can take my boys home and fangs can stay here for protection" Kevin says

"Juliet will need help with the wild bunch so we can stay" cherly offers

"Okay so before she comes if she is we better go.... BOYS COME ON GRAB ASHLEY AND WE ARE LEAVING" reggie says and they run back over wining and Toby is carrying Ashley

"Yea carter and jake come on let's go home for food" Kevin says

They have left and we are setting our kids upstairs with a movie in mine and bettys bed

"Okay remember kids, you don't come out this room unless we come up and tell you to or we text Juliet and say yes, you don't shout or anything either okay" jug tells them sitting the tv

"And look there is sandwiches and fruit and juice here so if you get hungry you can eat them" Fangs says says and they nod

Juliet, Sophia and Brooklyn and lying side my side while the twins are either on the two older ones laps or near the bottom of the bed

"You have your ipads aswell so if you want to play them you can" Cheryl says putting the three iPads on the bedside table

"let's go and remember, no loud noises, who ever makes a loud noise dirt is out the silent game" Jughead says and they nod

"Mommy I come with you" Riley climbs down and grabs into my leg

" no honey you gotta stay up here and watch the fun movies, there's trolls one and two, there's princesses huhhhhh and there's the doggy one" Toni grabs her before I could even get words out

"no" she wines

"Fine then but no one else come down at any moment you hear me" jug asks them sternly and they nod

We are just patiently waiting, I'm feeding Noah as he can sense the stress and Riley is watching her ipad next to me with her headphones on

"She hated the fact that we had the twins, she said I was a slit and they were all mistakes, what will she says about Noah" I say after being silent since Brooke told us about Alice outside

"don't worry babe, I'm not gonna let her insult you or my kids ever" he replies getting anxious but keeping calm

"And if she does.... she's gonna get what's coming to her" Cheryl grits her teeth

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن