Big family day out

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The first half of chapters are god. The middle chapters get a bit off rails but the end gets better again xx


Cheryl pov
Me,Toni and Sophia are on our way to the beach as it's sunny and everyone is meeting there, I'm kinda nervous because there's so much kids to look after also most of them can't swim
"Yay we are here, are we all meeting at the beach sign?" Sophia says from the back
"Yea and I can see mostly everyone is here except from veggie and bughead" Toni says laughing
"Late As always" I say
We get our beach bags out the trunk and meet everyone at the sign
"Hey guys, still not any sign of veggie and bughead I see" Kevin says
"Nope not yet but Betty did text me saying they were on the way they had trouble as always this morning" fp says
"Cole can you please take Ethans hand" we hear Veronica say while we turn round to se them walking over to us
"Sorry we are late but it's hard to get 5 kids ready for the beach" Veronica laughs
"Can we jsut go to the beach and Betty and Jughead can just find us when they come" Toby says
"Betty is shit at directions they shouldn't be to long anyway" fangs says and at that moment the cat comes speeding into the car park drifting into a space after the car got its balance back Betty hopped out the drivers side and got lily and Riley out the car
"Hey guys sorry we are late, had car trouble" she says smiling and Jughead is trailing behind with the beach bags
"Grandpa I missed you" Brooklyn says jumping into his arms
"Is this a new bikini? Don't you have enough?" Fp asks she giggles

We have been at the beach for 30 minuets now and we are all settled, the girls decided to do a photo shoot
"It's not fair sophia looks older than she is" Juliet wines then laughs
"Okay juls do a pout and put up a peace sign" Toni says getting a good angle
"What happened to just smiling" Jughead mumbles

"It's not fair Sophia looks so grown up like I wouldn't say she was 11" Juliet huffs
"I don't know what it is that makes her grow so much" I giggle
"Maybe it's because she's an only child! I told you mom these girls are gonna ruin my life" Juliet says slightly joking but also serious
"It's not your sisters's faults, maybe it was because you were born when we were young?" Jughead says stopping Lilly from running away
"Hmmmm so it's your doing" she gives Jughead evil eyes and he puts his hands up to surrender
"It's cute that your small, because that means I can still pick you up and cuddle you like a little baby" sweet pea laughs
"Sweets" Juliet wines
"Omg can I get a picture of the twins" Toni gushes
"Yea sure just take them I can't be bothered anymore and it's only like 12 in the afternoon" Betty sighs lying back on a sun lounger
"That's a fat mood" Veronica says and did the same
"Ronni? I think Ashley wants to go in the water, you want to go in the water don't you ash?" Reggie says
"Go take her there then, wait why are ethan,Cole,Toby, Dagwood,Cody, Brooklyn,carter and Jake all in the friken sea without an adult!" Veronica scolds and all the mothers sit up and slide our sunglasses down (like in the movies😂)
"Well someone go down with them then" Betty says
"Sweet pea, fangs,Jughead,reggie and fp you go down with all of the kids" Toni says
"5 men looking after 14 kids! That's definitely gonna work out" Jughead says taking lily and Riley's hand
"Well most of them can swim and some of the older ones can look after younger ones" Cheryl says
"Fair enough let's go people" fangs says And they start walking but Riley doesn't want to go and runs back to betty
"I knew you wouldn't go" she sighs
"Awww look at all the photos I got of the girl today" Toni says

"It's not fair Sophia looks so grown up like I wouldn't say she was 11" Juliet huffs"I don't know what it is that makes her grow so much" I giggle "Maybe it's because she's an only child! I told you mom these girls are gonna ruin my life" Juliet s...

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