Im sorry

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Juliet pov

I woke up tangled up in coles arms... oh yea we made up.... we are back together.....

I carefully remove myself form the situation and tip toeing downstairs as the younger ones are already awake

"Juliet's awake!" Eathan shouts and runs into my arms

"Morning guys thanks for letting me stay and talking some sense into me I'm just gonna head out" I mumble awkwardly

"your not wanting any breakfast? Are you sure your a Jones or did you get switched at the hospital" reggie laughs

"nah I'm good I need to catch my dad before he goes to the bar or if I don't leave now he will most likely drag me outa here" I reply slipping on my shoes

"Okay then bye, did you give Cole a goodbye kiss" Veronica teases and I shake my head chuckling and walk out

I walk for some of the journey but run most of it

I make it back to my house

"I'm home" I say stuttering a bit

It's a circus in here No surprise

"GIRS GO PLAY OUTSIDE FOR A BIT WHILE ME AND MOM SPEAK TO YOUR SISTER" I hear my dad shouts and it makes me flinch

"come sit with us hunny" my mum says and go I sit across from her as she feeds a very cranky baby

"did you have a nice time at veronicas" she asks

I nod

"We had a nice night, it was very quiet actually except form this wee one" she says in a baby voice at the end and I smile

"before we talk I wanna nice big hug from my daughter" my dad comes through and I stand up, he brings me into a nice warm hug

Once we are done, he goes to speak but I beat him to it

"im sorry..... im sorry that I got caught up in all the bad stuff, I didn't mean to and it all got to my head, I went from taking drugs multiple times a day to none at all, I was probably going through withdrawal and it was making me act up but I can't blame that for everything, I have been a right beat lately and I regret everything. I'm willing to go to rehab or therapy, anything you want.... I just want my Normal life back, I get that I will still have all my restrictions but I don't want to argue anymore, I don't want to feel like I don't have a family anymore. Auntie v made me realise I was the one in the wrong and I had to fix it and not wait for anyone else to fix it for me... can we just forgive and forget everything because I am well and truest sorry.... I'm sorry" I say pouring my heart out

"I'm not just apologising to you guys, I'm gonna apologise to everyone, me and Cole are sorted now, hopefully you guys will love me again and now it's just everyone's else.... I'm really sorry" I add starting to tear up

My mum has some tears and my dad looks sorry and guilty

After some silence my mom speaks up

"We forgave you a long time ago Juls"

"We were waiting for you to come to us, so we know that you window what you were doing wasn't healthy, we aren't mad, well a little mad and disappointed but mostly worried, now that you have spoken up about what's been going on... I guess your allowed your door back but everything else is the same, I do have a little trust towards you Juls but your gonna have to earn the rest back, and let's make a deal, I will hold off on the protectiveness only if you promise to not get any bigger" my dad says making me giggle

"Come here baby" mom says

I go over and squish in the middle of them and hug them both well my mom trues to but she's still feeding Noah

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now