Mommy and daddy are here

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Betty POV

"Yes! Yes us what's going on is it good" I ramble on as we rush up to the doctor

"We have them both stable now. Wounds are cleaned and bandaged, there is a whole load of bruising and they are really drowsy from the medication basically high, we gave them high dosages of Anastasia because we had to bend Lily's wrist back in place then surprisingly Riley had the same but the opposite wrist, must she been a gang thing not sure but they are awake and scared, they are both in room 075" he says and we thank him before jogging down the corridor The faint cries getting louder As we get closer

We reach their room and the nurses are trying to keep them calm as we weren't here yet

"hey girls it's alright, mommy and daddy are here now, along with papa" I say softly getting their attention the nurses back away letting us through

They both just cry, snot running down their red noses

We all rush over to quickly comfort them but it's Shes because there's two of them in separate beds

"We could push the beds together so you two could get in the bed with them? Basically like a double bed kinda if it's easier as they only have the heart monitors now but those have long wires" a nurse suggests as she takes the handle railing thing off the inside side of the two beds showing us that it does that

"That would be great, dad can you push the beds together please" jug asks

I gently pick up Riley and she wraps her legs around my torso and drops her head on my shoulder wining I hoist hold her and sway a little. Jug does the same with Lily

Me and jug are at the sides while the twins are in the middle of us all lying down in the bed

Me and jug are propped up on one arm leaning on it

The girls are really loopy and confused, they are tired and whiney, there is snot all down their noses and they voices are scratchy.

Fp left to get a suitcase of mine and jugs stuff as we might sure to stay a night or two also he's packing the twins a bag with pjs, special blankets and some toys, teddy's and their iPads

We are watching the kids channel on the little square hospital tv

"daddy" Lily starts to cry a little again trying to slide her cast of but obviously it won't budge

"I know bubba" he sighs wrapping his arms around her

"We will go home once your better" he adds kissing her head

I look down and Riley has drifted off to sleep, her breathing being a bit stuttery

I am yet to get a proper look at them, They don't look good at all, a cast on a hand each, Lily's right and Riley's left, both of them bring pink. They are pale and rosy cheeks, eyebags with chapped lips. They also have some bruising and scrapes on their little faces. Poor things

"Riley's asleep" I say a little quiet not wanting to wake her up

He looks down and smiles sadly

"I will tell the group about the news, it's only midnight they should still be awake" I say in the same tone

Betty- hey guys! We are all okay!! The doctors got their pulses stable and bandages them all up and we are now cuddled in bed. They both have a broken wrist from being bend sideways properly got crushed of was dont on purpose, they are badly bruised and some cuts but no proper stitches just paper ones. They are really high and drowsy from the medication so make sure to ask before visiting just in case they aren't up for it, hope you guys are al doing well

*image sent*

(The nurse took a picture or them to send to the group)

Fangs- glad too here you are all semi okay and the pulses are back to normal, they don't look to well tho better get some rest, get well soon girls xx

Veronica- my poor babies! They look so weak and poorly, those casts are too cute tho, also awww you's all look so cosy and comfy, I can't wait to see them up and running again. Hugs and kisses from all xx

Cheryl- that's great news that they are alright now and you's are with them, I will make sure to tell the girls when they wake up, keep us updated if anything changes. Also tell them that aunt Cher will be baking their favourite custard pie to make them better xx

Fp- tell them papas coming! I brought everything they need including the cuddles and kisses!

Sweets- they are fighters for sure, get well soon little beans x

"Hey I'm emma and I am your night nurse now this probably won't involve you guys but it's a routine thing and just coming in to say that it is now 1AM and most patients are fast asleep or settling down and the noise levels have to be kept to a minimum. I will keep doing the vital checks and just popping in throughout the night/morning until Maria the nurse who was with yous earlier comes and back in" a nice lady coed in and introduces herself

"hey I'm Betty, this is my husband jughead" I smile

"nice to meet yous, now I need to check their vitals I'm so sorry to wake her but it's routine" she says worried

"At least it's only one sleeping" I chuckle

After jug woke Lily up she was even more groggy since she was asleep

"So girls im nurse emma, could I please use my stethoscope to hear your heart?" She asks

They just shrug not even knowing what's going on

"They are still out of it from the medicine" I giggle

"They seems to be doing good they just need rest right now and we will go over the after care on the day you'd get discharged, would you guys like something to eat for them and you guys" Emma asks finishing up

"no thank you we are fine, my dads coming down with food and our night bags" jug sighs as Lily starts to wine again

She nods and walks out, fp jogs in with a big suitcase, the twins bags and some POPS!

"Hey babies I'm back how are you feeling" he asks putting everything down

"Riley's crashed out and Lily's feeling really sad huh?" I say and she nods pulling at her cast

"awh my poor girlie, good think I brought a pops milkshake and some jungle pancakes" he says twirling a bit of her hair

"I not well papa" she wines and reached tiredly for him

"I know bubba but papa make it better" he sighs 

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now