I still love you

539 11 1


Betty pov

Im 6 months pregnant, It's been about a month since jug left and let's just say it's been a rollercoaster. He is renting an apartment to sweets gets his own back and all the stress and confusion is causing the twins to act like babies again, I searched it up and it can actually happen, they rufuse to sleep and nap, they wake up in the nighttime and they are so fussy and cry all the time. Plus I had to call jug heaps of time and have a go at him because he kept putting soap in their mouthes as punishment it's fucking poison!

The kids are at jugs house right now, sweetpea and fangs managed to get his head out his ass and now he cares for our children properly, Juliet is a massive help

I'm in the middle of watching Netflix and I feel a pop in my stomach and water trickle down my leg, I didn't pee myself so MY WATER BROKE 3 MONTYS EARLY I CANT GO THROUGH THE NICU STUFF AGAIN! shit I run to the aft as contractions haven't started yet and I don't think they will as when I get to the hospital they will probably stop the labour. I called V because she's my best friend and I just wanted her to be there with me

"V drive to the hospital now! My water broke 3 months early and I really need you there because I i don't know if it will be to late to stop the labour or what" I say down the phone o hear rushing and a door slam
"I'm in my way" I hear and she hangs up

"Hi my water broke and I still have 3 months " I say to the desk lady
"Oh god okay hunny tell me your name please" she ask

"Elizabeth Marie Jones" I say

"IM GONNA NEED A WHEELCHAIR!" She shouts and people rush in

"Water broke still got 3 months to go" she says while they wheel me away to a room

"Have contractions started? Is this your first child? Anyone here with you?" I get bombarded with questions

"no just my water, this is my third pregnancy but fifth child there was major complications last time which are ok my record, and a Veronica lodge is coming here soon" I asnswer

I get changed into a gown but I keep my under wear on

They hook me up to machines

One doctor is rubbing the ultrasound thing on me

One is strapping some belt stuff around my stomach

One is putting ivs in my arms

Veronica runs into the room out of breath and hugs me

"Okay so we are able to stop the labour process but you have high chance of going into labour with still one or two months left" one of them shouts me and Veronica let out a breath

"We are gonna give you the shots now, does the baby have a father because he's normally the one to be here" the doctor ask

"Yea I can go call him now" Veronica runs out before I can protest

"It's gonna be really awkward in here as me and the father of five of my kids have had a falling out and he has been living somewhere else at the moment and he loves like literally almost round the corner " I sigh

"maybe this will bring yous back again" one of them holds my hand she's so nice and they all leave to get the stuff ready so I'm left here alone v texts me saying that she's needed at her house but had taken my girls to FPS I thank her and sigh

A few minuets later and Jughead bursts into the room out of breath and tearing he rushes over

"oh my god are you okay" he asks taking one of my hands

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu