She needs serious help

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Cheryl pov

"Ughhh god I don't know what to do" I sigh

It's just the mantles at our Josie now as everyone else left due to hunger and we haven't got enough food for everyone's supper

"Cher don't worry we can order take out we can stay as song as you need to keep the kids entertained" Veronica says

"no I don't know what to do about the baby, he's hungry and I don't know how to feed him" I say looking down, he's trying to suck on my boob even tho I have a bikini on

"hey boy get away from my women" Toni chuckles

"is there bottles in the bag, Betty said that there was" Veronica asks and I shrug

Sophia goes and Checks then shakes her head

"Go check in the fridge" I say panicking as he's now having a meltdown

"Pass him over" Veronica says seeing i have no clue what to do

"there isn't any bottles or anything in the fridge" Sophia says

"Fuck sake" Toni sighs

"I-I-I mean I could feed him I guess, I still pump and send it to in need mothers somtimes so maybe I have enough left for him" Veronica says unsure

"Do you think betty would mind?" Reggie asks

"nah just do it my ears are ringing" Toby shouts over the crying

Veronika sighs then pulls down her bikini, Reggie passes a towel for her to cover up

"Does he like it?" I ask

"he's a Jones he will eat anything, he's eating like really fast" Veronica sighs wincing

"Don't do it if it hurts, he can just go hungry or I could feed him come milk or something, or Ashley's formula as she eats solids aswell" reggie says

"nope it's good I'm fine" Veronica says

Jughead pov

"You young lady, are in deep rouble, you still ain't getting your door, you are getting room and phone inspections regularly annnd your baby sitting your sisters from lunch until their bed time one day a week for two months" I scold pointing at her

"do I look like I care? I will tell you what you will find right here right now" she says totally out of it

Me, my dad and Dagwood sit on the sofa across from her

"Okay then tell us" my dad says as we get comfortable

"Wait I'm gonna film this, it's gonna be hilarious" Dagwood laughs and sets up his phone so it can hear everything

"well in my drawers you would find, Lacey thongs, Norma thongs,some explicit things for the special boys-"  she starts

"Enough about your underwear! Tell us other stuff"
I sigh not wanting to hear any more

"Ummm.... more smoking things, empty little bags, receipts rolled up into tight tubes to sniff stuff, maybe a few half finished joints, maybe some water bottles with vodka?"She says thinking

"Oh so your a junkie, stoner and an alcoholic? That's just great" I say sarcastically

"That's not all Juls spill some more" Dagwood says laughing his ass off

"dags your not helping go upstairs" my dad says and he refuses

"Oh yea... condom-" she starts

My body tenses you


"Get in the car" I say

She looks at me weirdly

"get in the car right now"I say louder and she shrugs standing up and wobbling so Dagwood helps her to the car

Once the front door shuts

"Jug" my dad sighs

"no, she is grounded until she's sixteen!" I say madly standing up

"jug calm down she's not gonna take you seriously if you shout"he tells me

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO! oh it's lay you can so drugs and smoke weed it's all fine just don't do it daily, NO SHES TWELVE! We should of moved out of this god forsaken town when she was a new born!" I shout

"Boi look at me, I know you don't want to admit it, she's not a little girl anymore and she needs serious help" she tells me

I stop tears from falling and nod

"Just calm down, juls will stay here, go get betty and your other kids and take them home, you guys get rid of everything that's bad in her room and then I can drop her off to get into trouble after I shout at her some more"  he says calling me down and I nod

"JULS GET IN HERE YOUR STAYING HERE WHILE I GET YOUR MOM AND SISTERS!" I shout and she nods while Dagwood holds her up as she's wobbly

I call my love and she said she's in the park

I told her to drive back to Cher and tonis and she said okay, she sounded quite sad an I think she's blaming herself for our daughters immature actions

I arrive at thistle house and immediately hear screaming so I run in and allll the kids are having melt downs

"Woah what's going on" I ask as lily runs into my arms

"we told them to get out the pool and then we dressed them" Toni laughs

I chukle

"What happened down there did you find out anything new" reggie asks as most of the kids are calm and I'm just waiting for betty to arrive

"Yea, my daughter wears inappropriate underwear" I start and the girls choke on laughter

"I'm not joking" I say seriously

"she has smoking things, have smoked joints, drugs, rolled up receipts to snort drugs with, alcohol, condoms and everything and I didn't even let her finish or get to the stuff I would find on her phone" I say and everyone's eyes widen and jaws drop

"CONDOMS! Who's she having sex with!" Veronica screams

"I have no idea" I rub my head

"Alcohol, grids, weed and sex?she needs serious help dude, or maybe just some steering in life" reggie says

"That's what my dad said but I have no idea what to do" I finally admit it

"you better give her a good telling off tho"Cheryl says mad

"oh don't worry I will" I say leaning back

"She's not getting her door, she's getting room and phone inspections regularly and she's baby sitting g her sibling form lunch time until bedtime one day a week for two months" I say and they nod

"Toby you better not be into that stuff" reggie scolds and he shakes his head

"same with you sophia if I ever find out you done something like that your ass is getting a good beating" Toni says


"I know we are just going home soon but you gotta eat your supper first" I sigh picking her up she's practically falling asleep in my arms

"where is B" Cheryl says checking her watch

"I have no idea" I sigh

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now