Are they gonna split up?!

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Juliet pov

I'm upstairs with my sisters in my room because my parents are fighting and it's really bad, being the big sister I am I have to make sure no one gets in a state. I just heard my dad say maybe he should leave and I took that as a que for me and my sisters to go somewhere else,
I'm finding it so hard to not burst into tears right now as I have to be the big person here

"Guys, we are gonna go to auntie Cher and tonis house tonight okay? So yous have to listen to me or I'm gonna get mad and I don't want to have to be the bad guy here" I say and they listen to me

"Why are we going for sleepover" lily asks me

"Mommy and daddy need some time alone because they are bad talking" I say making her understand

"Why not ethan and Cody's house, we all have someone to play with there" Brooklyn says

"They already have five kids they don't need us to be there aswell, so We are gonna go into each of our rooms and get enough clothes to last us two or three days because always pack more as some might get dirty" I say and I get my suitcase from my wardrobe and we get three shirts, three pairs or leggings along with a couple pears underwear and socks from Brooklyn's room, same with the twins but some extra as they get messy

"Right can yous go into my room and wait quietly" I ask and they nod while running. I grab each of our school bags along with the twins bags and put our stuff like iPads, chargers, hairbrushes, tooth brushes, toothpaste, some extra toys for them and some of my make up. I snack downstairs to get Brooklyn's medication and some breast milk mom keeps in the freezer so if Riley gets over whelmed I can guys give her that also chuck in their teddy's and tummy's

"Okay guys I have packed all our clothes, we all have our shoes on and our rain coats and our stuffs in these so can yous each take your back pack and I can take the suitcase, we will sneak out the back as it's quieter and quicker"I say and I make them go in front of me so I can see them, they think it's a game of who can be quiet longest. Our parents are still screaming at eachother.

We finally make it out the back gate bit are still about a 10 minute walk if we take the little lanes and great it's starting to get dark outside

"Juju I want home" Riley says breaking the silence
I pick her up as she wines

"I know but we have to have a sleepover tonight because there is bad talk in our house"I say as we finally hit the two minuets away spot

"I can see their house in the distance" Brooklyn says and runs followed by lily. It's a straight street so I can see them

"Guys don't go In until I get there!" I shout after them

"My ears" Riley cries

"I'm so sorry" I say holding her head

Knock knock, I bang on the door as it's just started to rain

"Oh hey-" Cheryl start as them a three are all at the door

"Can we stay here tonight and maybe tomorrow?" I ask and they look confused but nod we step inside

"Girls take your shoes off and hang your coats on the banister before you go anywhere" I say and they run off

I burst into tears

"Our parents are having a really big fight and my dads threatening to leave so I had no other choice but to take them somewhere else" I cry into tonis shoulder

"Juls its okay come here anytime, and I'm so proud that you managed to round up the wild bunch and get them here" she replies and I chuckle

"These are our clothes theres enough to last us about three days and they have their chargers and iPad plus teddy's and toys in their bags and I have medication and milk which needs to go into the freezer ASAP and we have all don't school work for today"I say lining up their muddy shoes at the door

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now