Get the party started

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Fangs pov
"Juls where are you going? Where's your parents?" I ask seeing her storm upstairs
"Guys just leave her she's angry because me and Betty are such horrible parents" Jughead says sarcastically while coming into the lounge
"Ahhh I see now what have you guys done to the poor girl now" Veronica says sipping her drink
"Mom and dad apparently just give her in trouble and I get away with everything" Brooklyn says sitting next to the kids on the ground
"I will go check on her" Sophia says then leaves
"Let's get the party started!" Sweetpea shouts and we all cheer

Everyone except from Sophia and Juliet are in the pool and all the adults have has at least two cocktails
"Okay so the girls stayed sober last time so that means the boys can't drink anymore" Sweet pea pouts
"That makes us sound like bad parents" Betty laughs
"Doesn't matter as long as the kids are happy" Kevin says
"Shit sorry I gotta leave there's a thing at work I gotta go, can I leave the twins here?" Fp says springing up
"Yea sure leave them here but don't I have to go as well since we are in the same department?" Kevin asks
" no no remember you took this month off because the boys were having trouble at school" fp says then runs off
"Mama mama wosh" we hear lily say and we all turn our heads and she jumps in and Cole catches her even tho she has floaties on
"Well done baby that's so cool" Jughead says
"Emmm where's jake?" Toni asks not seeing him
"Emmm I don't know" I say worried
"Jake! Has anyone seen him!" Sweet pea shouts
"I'm here!" We hear jake shout and he's at the top of the pool slide
"Watch out!be carelful" Kevin tells him
"Daddy come watch me" Ethan says at the edge of the pool
"D-d-did he just call me daddy" reggie asks shocked
"I think he did" Betty says softly
"Daddy watch me" Ethan repeats
"I'm watching buddy, I'm watching" reggie says fighting back tears
Ethan then slips in the pool without any floaties Veronica gasps but he starts swimming to the other side of the pool
"Oh my god Ethan! That's great keep practicing" reggie says and we all clap
"Who wants another drink?" Toni says
"I do" all the girl say
"Can I have some juice please" carter asks me quietly
"Don't be shy go ask Toni" I say and he looks at Toni
"May I have some juice please" he says a little louder but still whispering
"Of course you can have juice you don't need to ask, come on and I can get you some from the table over here" Toni says and I lift him out the pool
"He's the sweetest thing ever" betty says smiling
"He's just shy sometimes, he speaks to us all the time at home and he speaks to his brother as well at home but whenever we are out the house and around people he goes mute" I explain
"That the same with Riley sometimes it depends" Jughead says and forgets she's literally on Betty hip because she wouldn't let go
"Me?" Riley asks pointing to herself
"Yea your names Riley" Betty says
"No liwy" she says
"No your Riley and your sister is lily" Reggie says
"We are trying to teach them everyone's names and how to say them but when you have identical twins it's hard" Jughead says
"Are you sure that not actually lily?" Veronica adds
"Nope I'm positive is Riley because lily has more greens brown eyes while Riley has more green with a little hint of brown but not much" Betty says and all of us are a bit confused
"I tho it you got either blue or green or brown that's it" sweetpea says laughing
"Okay so tonight we are all having strong drinks because we need to loosen up a bit" Toni says
"I will make you loose alright" reggie whispers into Veronicas ear but we all hear it
"Kinky fuck" I say
"Fuck" Riley squeals
"Oh my god no don't say that" Jughead says
"Fuck fuck fuck" she repeats dancing
"No stop don't say that word ever again" betty says
"Sawy"she says
We all try hold back laughter
"It's not funny" betty giggles Taking a drink out of her glass
"Emm what's in this it's so strong" she laughs
"It's vodka and a tad of sprite" Toni says smirking
"Are you trying to get us wasted" Veronica exclaims
"Maybe" Toni laughs
"Wasted? Uncle pea told me that means drunk but worse and you guys always dance and sing while drunk so" Brooklyn says laughing
"They don't just sing and dance while wasted" Kevin mumbles
"What else do they do?" Cody asks
"They make babies" sweetpea laughs all the adults with children jaws drop
Brooklyn's eyes open wide
"I don't fancy anymore sibling" she says scared and then paddles away
"Sweets you can't say that" Cheryl laughs
"It's fine she won't say anything to the others" he replies
"It's Brooke no doubt she has told every single on of them" Betty says
"DADDY I DONT WANT ANOTHER BROTHER!" Toby shouts across the pool
"Right so we have been in the pool for a hour and it's like 9PM and we are only on our third drink! Speed up girl we gotta get wasted before 11" Veronica says laughing
"I'm already done mine" Betty laughs and she can't stop
"Right this girl is tripping already maybe don't put as much vodka in hers" Kevin says
"What do you mean? I love drunk B she's the best" Toni says
"Ryry why don't you go in the pool with everyone? That sounds fun" Jughead says taking her out of bettys arms and he swims to juniper and hands her Riley
"Good choice bro" I say
"The water feels weird like I'm floating" Veronica says
"Oh no the alcohol is getting to her" reggie gasps
"I don't think I trust them tipsy in the pool" jug suggested
"Yea same also the younger ones should be asleep, especially Riley,lily and jake" I say
"Ash was soundo long ago" reggie laughs
"Shit I forgot it was like 9 I need to get them to sleep ASAP" jug says
"Kids come on inside it's getting late" Kevin shouts and we all rush inside
"Okay so this is hard who will help get the little ones dried, emmm okay so they all need showers or baths" Cheryl says
"Okay Kids why don't you all go back in the pool while us adults get showered and dress and run yous all baths" sweetpea says
"Older ones please don't let the younger ones drown" Jughead says

Jughead pov
Me and Betty shared a shower but nothing happened because she's tipsy and was struggling to stand. We got dried and she got into pjs which is her short shorts and my hoodie, I got into sweat pants and a shirt.
I sent Betty downstairs into the kitchen with the girls while I ran a bath for the twins and a shower for Brooklyn, fangs turned the shower for his two boys, while reggie turned the shower on for ethans and Cody. Cole,Toby,juniper and Dagwood all sbowered and got dried in separate rooms obviously
"Kids come on shower and pj time!" Kevin shouts from the back door, they all run inside but Cole carries Riley and lily in while they cry
"Girls you are definitely tired but there's no need for tears you can get to bed soon" I wrap a towel round each of them and I carry them to their bath still crying they stopped as soon as I put them in the water

All the kids are in their pjs and are sitting downstairs , the moms are definitely wasted by now. I give the twins a bottle and lay them in bed in one of the spare rooms, they finish drinking and I tuck them in
"Goodnight girls" I kiss their cheeks and leave

"Jughgg yOuR bAcK" Betty stumbles over to me
"And your drunk" I laugh
"Woohooooooo I'm kinda feeling this song" Veronica says and starts dancing
"I put them both to bed they were shattered" fangs says
"Wish Brooklyn would go to sleep early" I say looking at her
"I want Sophia and Juliet to come back down" she wines
"Yea where are they?" Cole asks
"Upstairs they should be hungry by now where are they?" Reggie says
We hear the door open and they are whispering
"What on earth is happening!" To I asks she never drank much she stopped with the guys
"Shit run" Sophia shouts and they bolt upstairs but both fall and laugh
"We ArE nOt GoOd At RuNnInG" Juliet laughs
"Are yous little assholes drunk!" Toni shouts and they giggle
"We might have met up with dags mates" Sophia slurs
"Dagwood!" I shout and he comes through
"Which friends of yours were drinking tonight and who invited these girls" I ask
"RyAn AnD Rhys!! Oh My GoD rHyS iS sO hOt!" Juliet shouts sitting up
"I could text them about this if you want?" Dagwood asks
"Yea that would be nice and tell them that Juliet's an Sophia uncles will be paying them a visit" Toni says
"TeLl HiM I wIll Be ViSiTiNg HiS hOuSe SoOn AsWeLl" Julie winks then giggles everyone is watching this
"The hell you are now get your ass upstairs and your grounded for another month" I say sternly
"Okay then I don't really care" Juliet says and pulls Sophia upstairs I take a deep breath and sigh
"Oooo she busted" Brooklyn says and makes us all laugh
"Yo tobs I think we should go upstairs and check on them" Cole says
"I hate that nick name and sure just because you want your girlfriend to be safe" to u teases and runs because he knows fine well Cole will react
"She isn't my girlfriend and your fucking dead you cunt!" Cole shouts and runs
"Boys stop swearing please" reggie shouts and we laugh
" girls stop dancing on the coffee table!" Toni says
"BUST DOWN THOTIANA LET ME SEE YOU BUST DOWN!" all of them shout while dancing
"I'm going upstairs it's to loud" Cody says
"Me too I dibsy shotgun padlock on picking the movie!" Brooklyn shouts
"Ugh you always make us watch monster high!" Ethan complains
"I don't have the dvd with me so we gotta watch something on Skye movies, let's watch the new Aladdin!" She says exited
"Well we have no choice do we" Cody says am they all scatter upstairs
"Only me and dag left then" juniper says
"You guys fancy babysitting 3 wasted mums while we go upstairs and sleep?" Fangs jokes
"I actually would keep an eye on them but lit might be to much" juniper says

LIFE JUST GOES ON  (sequel to life in riverdale) *finished*Where stories live. Discover now