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Zuo Yan pushed the door and walked in, froze for a moment, he didn't see a person.

It's a painting.

Zuo Yan approached, smelling the smell of paint, and he looked closely at the canvas in front of him.

This is a man in a black shirt with only a back view, but it seems that he will turn his head at any time.

The easel was placed in the middle of the room, and there was no one else in the room.

There are several paintings of landscapes or figures hanging on the walls. From the left-hand perspective, there is an indescribable sense of strangeness.

The door is open, the light is on, what about people?

Zuo Yan looked around and felt like he had entered a haunted house.

Ben wanted to go out to see it, and walked to the door, but Zuo Yan turned his head.

The paintings in this room are all facing him.

There was only one pair, which was in the direction of the window.

Zuo Yan thought about it, or moved his footsteps to walk over.

Then he was shocked.

I saw a pale teenager lying quietly on the canvas, and under him, the red blood seemed to penetrate the canvas, and the white shirt was dyed bright red.

There are no facial features on the teenager's face.

Zuo Yan said tremblingly, "I think he knew Xu Xuan was dead." The

system: "But you are alive now."

"This is the most scary."

He is a little bit irresistible, and Xie Yao is interested in him, It was because he discovered that the person who was supposed to die suddenly came back to life.

From the perspective of this painting, it should be a top-down perspective. Zuo Yan looked at the window. He can imagine that the person who is painting is holding the paintbrush, looking down at the person below, while dropping the pen on the canvas .

Zuo Yan took a step back and turned to run, the world of mental illness was terrible.

However, he moved only a moment, and suddenly a person came up behind him.

Warm breath hit his ear, "Where do you want to go?"

Zuo Yan's scalp numb, where did you come from, big brother!

"I didn't want to go."

Xie Yao chuckled lightly and suddenly hugged his waist with one hand. "But I just saw that you seem to be going."

Zuo Yan said quickly: "I just wanted to go I'm looking for you, I'll return the clothes."

He said, raising the bag in his hand.

Xie Yao didn't pick it up, but instead raised his chin, and the eyes of both men were on the painting in front of him.

"Is it pretty?"

Zuo Yan nodded, "beautiful."

Faced with a picture that didn't even have a face, you are a big guy. You say that, if you say beautiful, you are beautiful.

Xie Yao's soft breathing moved closer and closer to his ears. "No, it's not pretty yet."

Zuo Yan stiffened, did he fart on the horse's hoof.

Xie Yao raised his hand and nodded the blank face above, "This is the soul."

Zuo Yan: Shameless soul? I really can't appreciate it, you guys let me go.

The person behind him released him, and Zuoyan hurriedly moved away from him.

"I put the clothes here, so late, I won't bother."

Zuo Yan put the clothes next to it and ran away. When he walked to the door, he suddenly heard the voice of the man behind him.

"The door downstairs hasn't been locked."

If locked, he won't be able to enter, so you want to say what the big brother can you do in one breath.

Zuo Yan supported the door handle and nodded stiffly. "I will take the door when I leave."

"Do you know why there is no lock?"

I don't want to know, I'm not curious at all!

Zuo Yan silently shouted, but the people behind did not intend to hear the voice in his heart.

Xie Yao glanced at him sideways, his voice soft and unreasonable, "Because I'm waiting for you."

Zuo Yan touched a face, and finally turned back, pretending to be curious, "Wait for me? Wait for me to return my clothes."

Looking around with no trace of his eyes, there should be nothing to kill in this room except for the painting tools.

Turning his eyes back to Xie Yao, Zuo Yan watched as he picked up an oil painting knife, looking at the front of his eyes.

"System, this thing can't kill people."

Zuo Yan wanted to find a comfort in his heart.

The system said

frankly : "It depends on how he uses it, if he pierces your eyes with a drawing knife..." Zuo Yan: "... you shut up!" The

system said it was wronged, it just listed a series of possibility.

The smile on Zuo Yan's face was a little stiff, which wasn't too nervous, and he was peeing now.

Xie Yao was sitting in front of the frame, facing him, with a usual smile on his face, but feeling a little unclear.

"I'm not just waiting for clothes."

Seeing his nervousness, Xie Yao took the paintbrush. "Come."

Zuo Yan didn't move, and he expressed a meaning all over his body, I don't!

But Xie Yao was not in a hurry, and looked at him unclearly, "Are you afraid of me?"

Zuo Yan wanted to nod very much, not afraid of you in general.

The hand behind him quietly turned the door handle, and then he sadly found that the door could not be opened!

When the man let him pass for the second time, Zuo Yan walked past with the complex emotions of the young man going away, holding the wind and the cold and the water and cold.

The big deal is a knife, and when you wake up, you are a good guy.

System: "According to the analysis of Xie Yao's state of mind, he is more likely to torture people."

Zuo Yan's expression was blank, "Can you be quiet for a while."

System: "Good drops."

Zuo Yan approached and looked at The man is adjusting the paint, and after a while, put it on hand.

Xie Yao took a pen and handed it to him. He looked at it in left words and took it over without knowing what it meant.

Xie Yao chuckled, "learned?"

Zuo Yan shook his head.

Xie Yao sniffed gently on his shoulder, "The smell of turpentine."

Zuo Yan was dumb.

Are you a dog nose?

Xie Yao took his hand holding the pen and put his chin on his shoulder. "Will it?"


Xu Xuan just went online to watch other people's videos, which is not a meeting at all.

Zuo Yan felt his other hand gently rubbing against his chin, a little itchy, for fear that he would suddenly pinch his neck.

Xie Yao said: "I teach you."

While holding his hand, he dyed the canvas.

Zuo Yan's body is a little stiff, and the red on the canvas is thicker.

Xie Yao frowned, paused, and left words followed his strength, but he didn't dare to move.

Xie Yao suddenly stood up and pushed away what was turned over in the box he walked aside.

Zuo Yan stepped back a few steps and pushed the window without moving.

Because he didn't find what he wanted, Xie Yao's expression was very ugly, and he suddenly turned to look at him.

Watching him have some neurotic movements, Zuo Yan had a feeling of wanting to cry.

"Mr. Xie, what are you looking for."

As long as you don't find the weapon, you can say anything.

Wake Up, Stop Dreaming [Quick Transmigration]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora