Reality 4-5

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Chapter 199

    It was too quiet, Zuo Yan turned his head, those people just noticed from time to time before recovering immediately.

    In this era, wheelchairs are rarely seen anymore, except for irreparable injuries. However, it seems that no young master in the Imperial City has been injured recently.

    Zuo Yan walked to him, "You can steal my limelight today."

    The appearance of the noble son, even if he is pushing in a wheelchair, is a beautiful landscape. Why haven't I noticed that this kid is so good-looking before?

    Gu Zhi glanced around at the corner of his eyes, "So many people, which one

    do you like ." The smell seemed a bit sour, Zuo Yan sniffed at him, "Don't you know me? It must be the best one. "

    Gu resolutely looked at him for nearly 30 seconds before

    speaking , with a slightly strange tone, "You don't even let yourself go." Zuo Yan's face was black, and he was not a daffodil.

    "I thought there would be any battles when you came. I knew you were so alone and came by yourself. It's better to come with me before."

    Gu Zhi said, " Where's uncle and auntie."

    Zuo Yan pushed him. Walked behind the screen next to him, "This is a blind date, do you plan to let my parents find the second spring."

    Gu Zhi's brow wrung.

    Zuo Yan patted his forehead, and he remembered that in the past few years, parents-organized blind dates would be accompanied by family members, and the battle was relatively large. It was only in the past two years that parents stopped participating.

    He has forgotten that his house is an antique.

    After explaining to Gu Zhi, he was silent.

    Zuo Yan wondered to himself, this person will not come to see the parents specially, it is not right, he mentioned it before.

    Chu Shixiong watched his friend push the wheelchair away, and threw him aside. He drank all the wine in his glass and shook his head. That's right, Gu Zhi, fucked, haunted?

    Following them, as soon as he walked to the screen, he saw the two people inside kissed him. He also saw the eyes of the person in the wheelchair glimpsing over, revealing a familiar cold.

    "Zuo Yan."

    Zuo Yan pushed his head away and turned back, "Big Xiong, do you remember."

    Gu Zhi said he did.

    Chu Shixiong's head buzzed, "Wait a minute, can either of you tell me what's going on? Are you Gu Zhi?"

    If I remember correctly, Gu Zhi should be dead. He has been dead for 6 years. Who?


    A few minutes later, after listening to the explanation made by the left, Chu Xiong looking at the complex world that both men, while the effort has Niwai together.

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