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-Feel free to listen to the music while you read-

And please don't attack me, my art style is messy and all over the place ;-;

The group of six sat at the table anxiously, the tension was thick as they shared glances. Izuku was fiddling with a feather as Toko finally appeared through the door, his usual bright smile never faltered as he sat down in his seat. "so, the recording went well, I've posted an announcement through the WKMI social media about it's arrival, so far, it's gotten alot of love," This made everyone relax, smiles making their way onto each of their faces, even Bakugo, who was trying desperately to get rid of it without anyone noticing. He failed.

"I've called over RH, so they should be here soon, maybe a few minutes or so," Toko nodded at Satsujin as she made her way out of the meeting room and towards the entrance of the building. "you shouldn't worry, their all just a bunch of, how do the kids these days put it... Crackheads?" Shinso cringed as Bakugo snorted. Kaminari nodded happily, "Yup! Who's in the band?" he asked, turning his attention away from his partners and towards a smirking Toko, who took notice of the trios much more intimate behaviour.

"that's for me to know, and you to find out... Now tell me, how was you threes date?" the three in questioned spluttered, blushing profusely, they were not prepared for that. They weren't even aware how obvious they had been. Izuku quickly ducked his head down as Kaminari lit up, literally. Electicitiy bounced on his skin as he continued to overwork his quirk, causing him to fry his brain.

Shinso was the only one acting remotely the same, Appart form the very much noticeable shade of red dusting his cheeks and reaching up to his ears. "w-well, h-how did you know?" Izuku stuttered out, slightly hiding himself behind his wings. He made sure to keep an eye on his brain dead partner, just to make sure he didn't accidentally throw himself into a glass cupboard or through a window.

"Denki, he was staring at you two throughout the whole meeting," Shinso sent the drunk acting Kaminari a harmless glare, only receiving a way too long 'weee' in response. Shinso was about to speak up when the door opening cut him off. All eyes turned to the door, Izuku and Shinso immediately gaped at the familiar blonde that stood at the front of the group of teens.

Monoma made direct eye contact with Izuku, a small smirk playing at his lips. Izuku sent back a hesitant wave as Shinso immediately pulled him closer, glaring daggers at the blonde. "hello everyone! My name is Neito Monoma, and I'm lead singer and guitarist for Rizumu Heros, or just RH," Shinso narrowed his eyes, tightening his grip on Izuku.

"hey guys, I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! And this is Hanta Sero, my boyfriend," Sero made eye contact with Kirishima for a few seconds, before another person cut in. "Fumikage Tokoyami," an emo looking boy with a bird head said. Lastly, a girl with bright orange hair stepped forwards, "hey guys! I'm Itsuka Kendo, and I'm their manager," she smiled brightly as Toko began to explain possible collaborations and tours.

Unfortunately for Shinso, Monoma took the seat next to Kaminari, who was slowly regaining 'consciousness'. Shinso despised Monoma, he kept sending cocky glances towards the insomniac, it freaked him out, the guy had a bad vibe.

On the bright side, Kendo seemed to pay attention, hitting him over the back of the head whenever he looked at someone even slightly negatively. She knew how to deal with the maniac, and Shinso was eternally grateful for her services.

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