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-feel free to listen to the music while you read-

Everything was quiet as Izuku lay on his back, wings outstretched so the doctors could check for any unnoticed damage. "There doesn't seem to be any breaks or fractures, maybe a few bruised muscles, not too bad," a doctor explained to a nurse that sat in front of a computer, typing down the details as he spoke. "It may be sore for awhile, stay away from using them for now, don't want to make things worse," another doctor eyed him wearily, as if silently judging. "O-ok.... can I see my friends now?" Izuku's voice was horse and his throat burned, his arms were aching and his legs were wrapped in so many bandages that he physically couldn't move them. "Sure," the same doctor replied, gesturing for the final doctor, there were three, to let the group inside.

"How you feeling kid?" Shouta asked, sipping on his almost finished coffee, the guilt still eating at him. "Honestly, not as bad as I thought being thrown from a window would feel, I thought everything would be on fire, figuratively of course," Izuku ran a hand down his casted legs, barely even reacting as he knocked on it a few times. "My legs are completely numb and my arms feel bruised, my wings are aching a little and my neck stings whenever I move it too fast, my throat is parched, speaking of, could I have a cup of water please?" Izuku had already started muttering again, rambling on and on aimlessly.

"Sure kid," Shouta walked over to the water filter next to the door and poured the smaller boy a cup, passing it to him gently. There was still an IV in his wrist for safety measures, but apart from that, the boy was fine. They did have a lot of useful quirks in order for healing, so that probably helped significantly. "Do you know how long you're gonna be in here?" Kirishima asked from his seat next to Izuku's bed. He shrugged, "they didn't really tell me much, just to stay off my wings for a few weeks," Kirishima frowned, raising an eyebrow, "that's... all they told you?" Kaminari trailed off, looking at the door in question.

"Well, yeah, I don't expect them to tell me every detail," Izuku internally frowned as a few dry laughs were his response. A doctor opened the door to the silent tension, pausing slightly before walking over to the opposite side of the bed from the others. "I need to do one more check up, your legs and chest took the brunt of the damage, I need to see how much they've healed since the last healing period," the doctor gave the others a strange look before continuing.

He unwrapped the bandage on Izuku's chest, causing the group of teens to turn away with embarrassment, he was surprisingly muscular for such a small and seemingly frail teenager. "Seems fine, the healing quirks did their job. By the way, we called the number under your name to inform your parents, but the man seemed kind of strange, is there any changes we should know of?" Izuku cringed at the mention of his father, he didn't really know. How to explain it properly, the situation with his family life and all. "W-well, uh... I don't live with my parents a-anymore, they broke up, maybe a month ago... I haven't talked to Hisa- my father, since... I do text my mum occasionally though..." the doctor nodded, typing on the computer before turning back to the bed ridden boy, "can you give me your mother's number so I can swap them and contact her?" Izuku hesitantly nodded, wracking his worn out brain for the number. "Could someone pass me my phone?" The others shifted awkwardly, "it broke on impact, sorry about that," Yamada scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as Izuku inwardly sighed. "I-I, can't remember it right now..." his brain was aching from the mere thought of trying to remember a long ass number. "That's fine, you're still recovering after all. Speaking of, it's late, visitors have five minutes before they have to leave," the mood dropped as everyone frowned.

"Well... see you guys tomorrow? And Shinso, you better get some sleep or I swear, there will be a shoe in your face when I get out of here, I will physically force you to sleep more than two hours!" Izuku scolded, glaring into the insomniacs soul before watching as everyone left. Saying a quick 'bye', the room was dead silent, the only sound being the heart monitor and Izuku's shallow breaths. 'I've always hated hospitals...' the green haired male frowned, staring at the plain ceiling until he fell asleep.

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