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-feel free to listen to the music while you read-

The roommates had lunch at exactly one twenty three, finally getting food in their system. Izuku picked at his food a little, before cautiously eating a mouthful, earning proud smiles from the others. Izuku beamed, eating more than he usually did, and by the end, he'd eaten a little more than half the plate. To his roommates, that was a definite win. "You might not wanna talk about what happened, but I honestly thought you'd be more effected than this," Kirishima perked up, smiling at the green haired boy curiously. "I don't really... remember what happened all too clearly, I'm sure if I remembered, I'd be a little more effected than I am now," Izuku answered, picking at the skin on his fingers nervously.

The others nodded knowingly, a few yawns here and there. "Now, if I wake up at midnight and someone's still awake, you best believe I'm forcing you to sleep," Izuku growled, staring directly at Shinso. He raised his hands defensively, "I'll try," he reasoned, earning a glare from the green haired boy, "you'll succeed!" He stated, smiling encouragingly at the insomniac. "What about everyone else?" He asked, trying to shift the threats to someone else. "Oh yeah, that goes for everyone, even you Todoroki, if anyone's up later than midnight, I will force you to sleep!" Bakugo smirked, he knew he'd be asleep before midnight, since he slept with Todoroki most of the time. But that wouldn't stop him messing with the others, "yeah? And how do you know they'll go to sleep, they might sneak onto their phones," Bakugo smirked at the glares he received. Izuku clapped his hands together, a determined look on his face, "you're right, it'd be creepy to set up cameras, but it's also creepy to watch them until they sleep. If I want them to sleep, I might have to trust them that they'll listen, but if they don't, then I might have to take their phones and iPads, remotes as well, but that's classed as stealing, so maybe not the best idea. I could take the chargers, but they're practicing the song, so I'll have to take instruments as well-" "shut up nerd, just sleep with them," Bakugo cut off Izuku's rambling, smirking as the others gave him a look of absolute death.

"But that's uncomfortable!" Izuku retorted, picking twice as much skin off his fingers. The others noticed, but decided not to comment on it, they didn't want to make the boy feel any worse. "Well, that's what they get for not listening. Plus, you've already slept with mind freak and pikachu, what's so bad about doing it again?" a playful tease layering his tone. The three froze at the mention of that moment, "b-but its still-" "just shut up, if they don't want to sleep with you, they should have thought about staying up so late!" The blonde growled, a small chuckle erupted from the bi-coloured boy beside him. Izuku was silent for a dead second, contemplating the idea. He felt uncomfortable just thinking about it, but it might be the best course of action to ensure everyone stays asleep.

"I could just stay up instead, nothing I haven't done before, it wouldn't be as uncomfortable if I'm just sitting on the couch on the look out for lights or faint glows-" "that's a bad idea Midoriya, you'll just end up being much more tired than anyone else," Todoroki stopped the boys muttering, completely shutting down the idea. "But it doesn't make anyone uncomfortable if I'm in the living room," Izuku didn't want to cause any unwanted stress on his roommates, but the two teens wouldn't let him go through with his ideas. They both insisted he slept with anyone who wasn't asleep at midnight, and they made it clear that even if it was one past twelve, if they were still awake, Izuku was to force them into bed.

So that's how Izuku got here, it was twelve thirty and Kaminari was awake, cowering in fear at the glare Izuku sent him. Shoe in one hand, anxiety in the other, Izuku bopped him lightly on the head with the shoe, pointing to the bed angrily. "Go. To. Sleep!" He whispered harshly, watching as the boy groggily walked to his bed, slipping into the blankets before looking up at the green haired boy. "Aren't you gonna stay?" He asked in a whisper as the smaller boy turned to leave. "W-well, I wasn't p-planning on listening to Kacchan and Todoroki, I trust you guys to listen," Izuku eyed the taller male curiously before an idea popped into his head, shocking him completely. "U-unless... you actually w-wanted me to sleep with you..?" Izuku noticed how Kaminari flinched, avoiding eye contact as he nodded sheepishly. "You're warm, don't judge me!" He whined, jumping out of bed, closing the door before dragging Izuku under the blankets with him.

"It's embarrassing, but please don't mention this to the others, I don't feel like getting teased..." Kaminari hid his head in the crook of Izuku's neck, breathing in the sent of a literal rainforest before sighing dreamily. "I-I, I w-won't," Izuku could feel his face flare up as Kaminari ran his hand down the smaller boys waist and arm. "Good, have a nice sleep Mido," he mumbled, still roaming Izuku's body before settling on the boys stomach, wrapping his arms around him possessively.

"A-are you a-asleep?" Izuku whispered quietly, looking back at the yellow haired boy, who mumbled incoherent words, nuzzling Izuku before squeezing the smaller boy in his arms. Kaminari proceeded to wrap his other arm around Izuku, interlocking his hands and giggling, "mmm you... body's nice..." Kaminari grumbled, rubbing his head against the smallers cheek before tucking Izuku's head into his own neck, smiling as he felt the boy shutter. "I-I, uh... t-thanks?" Izuku could feel Kaminari relax slightly, his breath evening out as he drifted to sleep. 'Holy All Might, what the heck just happened' Izuku's thoughts were reeling as the sleeping boy tightened and loosed his grip a few times, moving in closer to steal Izuku's body heat. 'Guess personal space is nonexistent to him...' Izuku thought, drifting into a surprisingly comfortable sleep, still half processing the current situation. He didn't want to think about it then, he just wanted to appreciate how the taller boy was holding him, he wanted to soak in this moment for as long as he could.


Hehe, this is my new favourite chapter.

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