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-feel free to listen to the music while you read-

"So Midoriya, did you prefer that sort of tone, or the previous?" Kaminari was currently leaning on the poor boy who was trembling in utter distress as he couldn't handle it any longer. Shinso had a better sense of personal space, but that didn't stop him from sneaking obvious glances and side comments when it fit, Izuku was not going to last long enough to see the next day. "I-I, think having a-a calmer, yet adrenalin pumping b-beat would work well, with the lyrics, I-I mean," Izuku stuttered out, but through all of the things that had gone down after the whole Kirishima incident, he couldn't shake the weird feeling in his stomach, something wasn't quite right. "A beat like that could work well in many different situations, huh?" Shinso commented, smirking as Izuku hid his face in his hands, partly in annoyance and partly in embarrassment, or to hide his red face.

Though she couldn't bare to watch them flirting any longer, signalling the non official mum to hurry up. Kurogiri sighed in frustration, Toga had forced him to kidnap the poor green haired boy right in front on that purple haired boy, apparently he was a rival that had to be pushed back a few steps. But now she was chewing on her nails while staring at the yellow haired one, too bad, that 'Deku' kid seemed so nice and kind hearted, he didn't feel like dealing with a whining daughter though.

As soon as Toga looked about ready to slice the other two boys open, Kurogiri decided it was time, he didn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble for him and the kind boys. So he teleported in with a quick 'hi, it's nice to see you again' and concluded with another 'bye' as he warped away with the shocked teen.

Deku immediately started flapping his wings, blowing dust everywhere, which wouldn't have been bad if it weren't for Tomura being in the room. He covered his face as dust attacked his eyes. He growled angrily, "who the hell is doing this, I will destroy you-" the dust died down as Toga was holding down the struggling boy with a chain bola around his legs and torso. "W-what's g-going on!?" Deku yelped as Toga sat on his back, playing with his hair, happily humming. "Who the hell is that Kurogiri?" Tomura grunted, looking at the fragile and slightly feminine face of the self proclaimed 'Deku'. "Remember the group of teens and the cat we met in that grocery store, that's Deku, Shigaraki," Kurogiri explained, wincing as the boy let out a pained yelp. Toga had cut his cheek, licking the blood the pooled down his cheek.

"S-stop!" The boy whimpered, but the chains dug into his skin, forming bruises around his ankles and arms, rendering him immobile. "Wow, your bloods so sweet Deku~!" Toga giggled, licking his face once more before hopping up and facing the other two villains present. "Look how cute he is Shiggy~!" She skipped over to the blue haired man, slinging an arm around his shoulder, "now that's what a boys supposed to look like, not your crusty as heck skin," she smiled as Tomura's frown faltered slightly, a smirk making its way onto his face. "You know who'd also like to see him? Why Kurogiri, get Dabi," the purple mist nodded, disappearing for a few seconds and returning with said teen. "You said you kidnapped a cute guy?" Dabi asked, looking at the psychotic blonde. She nodded hastily, skipping over to the green haired boy, "look Dabi, isn't he just adorable~" she smirked as a small amount of blood leaked from the small cut. She licked it away and giggled as he flinched away with a weak 'stop'.

"Come on guys, he's like.. twelve, what the heck?!" Dabi looked at the short boy on the ground, the poor kid looked like he was about to cry. But he was cute, so who was complaining. Not this gay. "He's 15 years old Dabi," Kurogiri corrected, gesturing to the squirming boy. "He's so... short," Deku looked up at the familiar group with a scared expression, "w-what's going o-on?" He whispered loud enough for the people present to hear, a slight tremor in his voice. "Toga wanted you, and if she didn't get you, she would have gone on a complete riot," Dabi sighed, having had to explain this to multiple people before, but none seemed to keep Toga's interest for very long.

Toga pouted, "I totally would," she sighed, looking back down at the small boy, running her hands down his arms. "He's surprisingly muscular~ definitely a keeper!" She cheered to herself, picking up the boy and sitting him on a randomly placed chair. "Now those other two boys can't have you!" She smiled, pride clouding her mind as she didn't take into account that the boy could have been tracked by a hero. "I wanna have my fun, then you can have him for a bit- though not too long!" She planned, pulling out a container of knives, many different shapes and sizes. "I always clean them twice a day, so don't worry!" She stalked towards Izuku with a large grin. "But you always get them first," Dabi complained, turning to Kurogiri, "he's actually cute for once, I want him first," Dabi eyed Toga angrily. "She always leaves them with me half dead anyway, at least let me have a fresh one for once," Kurogiri seemed to contemplate the idea, before Shigaraki cleared his throat, "I want him first, and if any of you choose to challenge me on it, I'll disintegrate you to mere molecules!" The man child spat. Causing the others to begrudgingly step back.

"What shall we do first?" Shigaraki smiled to himself, the boy may be physically appealing, but is he as kind as he seems. That's something Tomura wanted to figure out, so he was going to start with an interrogation of sorts. But still, no one took into consideration that the hero's had a way to track the teen down, so they dropped their guard a little too much. Which left the perfect opportunity for Izuku's panicked roommates.

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