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-feel free to listen to the music while you read-

"Are we heading back now?" Shinso asked curiously, taking note of how Kaminari seemed to be leading them somewhere else. "Nope! That's why I asked you guys not to get any food for the movie, we're going to this new cafe that opened up last week, it has high reviews and is supportive of LGBTQ+ people! I thought it'd be a good idea to go check it out." Izuku smiled, he had also heard about the recent opening of the cafe, he wasn't sure of the name, but knew that it did indeed get good reviews. "That sounds lovely, how long did you spend planing this?" Izuku asked curiously, tilting his head slightly. "Mmmm, not counting as soon as I laid eyes on you guys...about two days?" Kaminari responded, placing his pointer finger to his chin thoughtfully. "Awe! You're so sweet!" Izuku chirped, giving the yellow haired boy a side hug before going back to walking normally.

The trio had started walking on a boardwalk that stretched out alongside the beach. The sounds of waves gently crashing into one another gave Izuku a sense of calm. After the whole cinema ordeal, he took a hot minute to properly grasp on his swirling thoughts. He's always getting compliments about his body, he hadn't remembered a time where he got given a complement about his personality and the person had actually meant it. Maybe his personality just wasn't worth being fussed about, his body on the other hand, it's like the world hadn't seen a slightly more feminine male before. He just wanted to be loved, truely loved, but he didn't think it was possible.

"This place is bigger than I thought it would be..." Shinso trailed off, looking at the double story cafe with tables lining the verandas, outlooking the blue ocean. "I'd known it was pretty big, but a second story seems like a bit much..." Kaminari muttered to himself, side eyeing Shinso and Midoriya curiously. "I think it looks cute, the colour scheme really suits it's cause!" Izuku pointed towards a sign reading something about charity for pride and other things similar. The building itself was an array of soft colours, it was at the same time, bright and easy on the eye.

Shinso nodded approvingly, "you've really outdone yourself Denki," Izuku smiled as they opened the golden patterned doors. The inside was similar, but with grey being the main colour. There was a few rainbows here and there as well as pride flags painted onto sections of the wall. It warmed Midoriya's heart to know that someone painted this, that someone had put in the time and money to spread awareness and positivity. Izuku respected it for that.

"Where shall we sit?" Kaminari asked formally with a mock bow, looking at the other two for opinions. To him, it didn't really matter, as long as he got to spend time with them. "I don't mind either way!" Izuku chirped happily, the two turned to Shinso, who was running a hand over the back of his neck sheepishly. "Do you mind if we sit by the small fire place?" He asked, looking over at said fireplace. "Sure!" Kaminari grabbed ahold of both boys hands and started gently leading them to the table. "I'll go get our number," Izuku went back towards the counter, asking the girl standing behind it for a number plate. "Ok then, number '12' is free," she kindly handed it to him, smiling as he walked back to where the trio were sitting.

"She seemed nice!" Izuku mentioned, earning soft glares from the other two, Izuku held his hands up in defence, "calm down guys, I was just saying she was nice!" Izuku sweat dropped as the two looked over to the desk lady with a hostile glare. Midoriya shook his head lightly, these two were way too willing to commit murder for him. "Do you guys know what you wanna order?" Izuku decided to draw the attention off of the awkward looking lady, she must have noticed the death glares. "I might get one of the pride specials," Kaminari stated with a soft smile, looking down at the different pride flag foods. "Sounds good, which one?" Shinso commented, already having chose the gay flag meal. "Aren't you supposed to choose the one that you identify with?" Izuku asked, flipping the page to look at the options. "Yeah! I'm getting the bisexual one!" Kaminari smirked over at Shinso, who smirked right back. Izuku felt as though he had missed something, but decided to brush it off. "Are you three ready to order?" The same lady from the desk asked with an unwavering smile. The trio nodded confidently, "I'll go with the bisexual pride special," Kaminari nudged Shinso, nodding towards the women. "Right...I'll get the gay pride special then, what about you Izuku?" Izuku's head shot up from the menu, sheepishly smiling, "Uh...I'll get um, pansexual uh- pride special..." the lady nodded, writing down the orders before running off to the back room, presumably the kitchen.

"So you're pansexual?" Shinso asked nonchalantly, smirking. "Yeah.." Izuku's smile faltered, maybe he should have gotten the poly one instead, it was pretty obvious to the others that he was poly. "That means we need to look out for nonbinary people as well," Kaminari hit the table with his fist lightly, a playful pout playing on his lips. "Damn, we have competition," Shinso grumbled, not being able to wipe the happy grin from his face. "Not really," Izuku mentioned, spinning around his glass of water he was given with the number. The lady gave him a jug filled with water, alongside three glass cups. "You never know," Kaminari perked up, resting his arms on the table with a closed eye smile. Shinso nodded, looking at the fire with a glow in his eye, quite literally, the fire was reflecting in to his own purple eye colour, causing it to look like some sort of galaxy. Izuku swore there were literal stars shining inside them somewhere, Shinso had such pretty eyes, they seemed dull at times, but if you look past that, he really does have a pretty eye colour. Don't get Izuku started on Kaminari's smile, it literally gave Izuku momentary blindness, yet he couldn't stop looking at it, his smile was just that beautiful. Then there was Izuku, he knew he wasn't special, and yet somehow, these two gods wanted to take him on a date. He felt somewhat unworthy.

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