[CP] Shoto Todoroki

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Name: Shoto Todoroki
Age: 16
D.O.B: January 11
Sex: Male
Quirk: Half hot half cold

Quirk Info: As the name suggests, Todoroki's quirk let's him shoot fire from his left side, and ice from his right. Though due to family issues, he's more reluctant to use his fire.

Quirk Drawbacks: Using his ice too much results in frostbite and using his fire too much can result in over heating. So he has to use both sides in order to maintain a healthy temperature.

Personality: He's usually more reserved and quiet. He's blunt and sometimes oblivious to social cues. He hasn't got mush of a filter so he often ends up unintentionally insulting someone.

Role: Guitarist

Likes: Guitar, music, Bakugo and his close friends. He also loves cold soba more than life itself.

Dislikes: Endeavour, rivers industries, hero's to a certain extent and red grapes.

Dream: To become a well known music artist and not to inherit his fathers company or heir legacy, but to follow his own path.

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